Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The End

by Bethany Maines For our first date, my husband took me to see the movie Hot Fuzz, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. We had both loved Shaun of the Dead, made by the same folks and we were excited to see it. Since the film wasn’t a summer blockbuster, I kept describing it to […]

Milestones, Big and Small

Yesterday, Evelyn David mentioned some things I’d like to follow up on. Labor Day and whether or not to stop wearing while shoes. I don’t own a pair of white shoes, so that’s no problem. When I was in high school, in the fall we wore sweaters and wool, or other heavy fabric, skirts, bobby […]

Monday, Monday

The last Monday in August is when my post is due here. This is what happens when you have no idea what to write. You just ramble until something rattles around in your brain. Labor Day is approaching. Do they still have the Fashion dictate of no white shoes after Labor Day? Fall is coming. […]

A New Beginning

Summers around here are tough on this writer.  Everyone is home from school–and since hubby is a teacher, that means him, too–schedules are disrupted (teenagers sleep REALLY late), and there are more people in my office area at one time than at any time during the course of a school year.  Although I try mightily […]

What I’ve Been Up to in the Writing World

I’m a great believe in not putting all of your eggs in one basket. This belief comes from experience. I’ve had two publishers die, three close their doors, dealt with three crooked publishers, had agents who did nothing and I truly mean nothing (when I asked to see rejection letters was given one after 4 […]

As Summer Winds Down

News from the Southern Half of Evelyn David This week I’m traveling to St. Louis for my day job. I’ve made the six-plus-hour drive multiple times in the past – sometimes to visit libraries for book promotions, but more often for meetings with other states on coal mining and reclamation. I’ve worked for 29 years […]

Stuck in “Intentions” Mode

by Laura Bradford Looking back, I came into summer with the best intentions (writing wise). I was going to spend a few weeks working on a novella to go along with my first series (now on e-book) and then I was going to shift my focus to the thriller I’ve been wanting to polish for […]

Sponge Bob Writer Pants

by Bethany Maines I recently read an article that suggested writers try to visualize their stories through sculpture working with cardboard, string, glue and party hats. I’m sure the point of the advice was to visualize your story in a new way. Whether it was through bubble charts or sculpture, the idea was to shake […]

What’s next?

by: Joelle Charbonneau Being a writer is a funny thing.  You write a book.  The process of writing that book takes months or years.  Then there is the editing, which can take more months, copyedits, page proofs, etc…etc…etc…  Shepherding a book from the opening line to the moment where it hits shelves and magically ends […]

For Your Viewing Pleasure

By Evelyn David When I was a teenager, I was a television addict. If there had been a 12-step program, my mother would have sent me to daily meetings. She staged an intervention the day she left the house at 7 in the morning, returned at 10 at night, and it was apparent that I […]