Entries by The Stiletto Gang

It’s YOUR Story, Tell It Well

For an author, I spend an inordinate amount of thinking about other authors’ websites. In fact, I spend about half my day making other writers look good. That’s my afternoon gig, at AuthorBytes, where I assist in the multifaceted process that delivers an engaging and professional online presence to our more than 500 clients. AuthorBytes founder, […]

This is My Birthday Month

This is going to be a really big birthday for me–I’ll be 80! I can’t believe it, I sure don’t feel 80. (Well, maybe physically. I don’t really look forward to flying anymore–and I can’t pick up some of my heavier greatgrands.) However, in my mind I still feel young. Being honest though, how on […]

The Art of the Move

by Evelyn David At long last, we moved. I’ve been talking about it, planning for it, and then going through the process of culling, donating, tossing, and packing for what seems like eternity, so that the actual move was almost anti-climatic. No time for sentiment when it’s 100 degrees, 200% humidity, and the truck is […]

Number Seventeen

By Laura Bradford Next Tuesday marks the release of the 8th book in my Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries (and my 17th book overall), REMNANTS OF MURDER. I guess you could say I’m proud of both those numbers. Proud that a series I took a chance on is thriving so well it even has eight books, and proud […]

The Open Mind

I had a friend, years ago, who hosted a lovely jazz brunch every Sunday to which she would invite her neighbors, young and old.  One Sunday, one of her elderly neighbors asked her if he could bring a friend and of course, she said yes.  She told me that she expected an elderly friend of […]

Family Reunion

By Dru Ann L. Love I recently attended my first family reunion ever. We gathered in North Carolina to meet my mother’s paternal family that still resides in the area. My mom went up north when she was 18 years old and hasn’t been to her father’s hometown ever since, until 6 years ago when […]

What’s in a Name?

by Bethany Maines First off, a shameless plug. The third City of Destiny short story has been released – The Devil’s Invitational!  Only a buck and my personal favorite short story to date.  And now back to our blog… One of the best parts of being a writer is inventing characters and places. I have […]

Am I just crazy?

by: Joelle Charbonneau So last night my mother, grandmother and I had an unexpected adventure at the ER.  Okay, my grandmother probably wouldn’t refer to that particular trip in such positive terminology, but hey–I’m the one writing this so I get to label the trip to backless gowns and gurneys as I wish.  Right?  Technically, […]

What Do You Hear?

One of my favorite lines from the television series Battlestar Galactica is when Admiral Adama, wanting to know the status of the fleet, asks Starbuck, “What do you hear?” Her standard answer when conveying the message that all was well was, “Sir, nothing but the rain.” Well Stiletto Faithful, we’ve been hearing nothing but the rain […]

The Basics

By Laura Bradford I’ve been thinking a lot about parenting lately. Maybe some of that is because my oldest is getting ready to go off to college and a large portion of the hands-on part of my parenting (at least where she is concerned) is diminishing. She either gets it at this point, or she doesn’t,  […]