Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Camp Experience

I never went to summer camp as a child.  Back in the early 70s, when I was growing up, you went outside to play, hoping that one of the thirty or so other kids on your block was up and awake and had already eaten their Cap’n Crunch or Lucky Charms and was just waiting […]

Figuring Out What to Write Next in a Series

I’m going to refer to my Deputy Tempe Crabtree series and how I come up with the next book to write. For those of you who are not familiar with Tempe, she’s a resident deputy in the large area surrounding Bear Creek, a small village in the Southern Sierra. (Sierra means mountain.) It’s in the […]

There’s No Place Like Home

By Evelyn David   One week from tomorrow, we move. It’s exciting, it’s scary; it’s a new adventure, it’s the end of an era. You name the cliché and I’m sure I’m living it. I only wish I could be like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and make this move by clicking my heels together. […]


by Bethany Maines I’ve been thinking a lot lately about unintentional sexism. For those who haven’t read any of my books, the Carrie Mae Mysteries, feature a group of women who work for Carrie Mae Cosmetics Corporation, which just happens to also be running an all female spy organization that focuses on women’s issues through-out […]

What is a “young adult”?

by: Joelle Charbonneau Last night, I was fortunate to be signing THE TESTING at the fabulous Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee, WI.  I got to meet fabulous readers, talk about why I wrote The Testing and I even got to read a few pages.  (Which I’m still not used to.  Reading aloud about a camel […]

Lottawatah Fireworks!

  We are proud to announce the publication of the 10th Brianna Sullivan Mystery, Lottawatah Fireworks. A novella-length story, Lottawatah Fireworks continues the spooky, yet funny saga of reluctant psychic Brianna Sullivan, who planned to travel the country in her motor home looking for adventure, but unexpectedly ended up in Lottawatah, a small town in Oklahoma. […]

Untitled Post

I got a chance to read the last few days of posts on the Stiletto Gang this morning. Poor Rhonda (aka the Southern half of Evelyn David) got a book review that was apparently based entirely on the color of Arlington, VA recycling bins and Marilyn (aka FM Meredith) was detailing the reasons she used […]

Is it just me?

by: Joelle Charbonneau First off, let me say “I’m sorry” to everyone that reads and writes this blog.  Two weeks ago, I totally forgot to take my turn blogging because I forgot what day I was on.  Technically, I knew the date, but for a great number of reasons, this month has been a total […]

summer TV

Why is June a short month? It feels like I just did a blog and here we are at the last Monday of the month. So, who’s ready for summer TV? Back in the day, you had one season, the awesome Fall TV season with old shows and new shows I wanted to watch. I […]