Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Too Fast

By Laura Bradford It’s 10:30 at night and I just realized I forgot to post this morning. I guess you could say my mind has been a bit of a jumbled mess the past few weeks as my first born wraps up her senior year of high school. Her graduation is tomorrow and I already know I’m […]

There’s More to This Story

Having been a big fan of Melissa Etheridge’s music for many years—and cheering her on in her own very public battle with cancer—I was dismayed to read today her opinion regarding Angelina Jolie’s choice to have a double mastectomy.  To recap, Ms. Jolie elected to have a double mastectomy because she tested positive for the […]

Some Thoughts on Setting

Whenever I go anywhere I always pay attention to everything that’s around. Who knows, someday I might write about a place like that. My Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novels are set in a fictional small beach town between Santa Barbara and Ventura. There is such a place and it’s called Carpenteria. It is too large […]

Green Trash Bins

The saying goes that the devil is in the details. And sometimes the details bring out the devil in otherwise normal human beings. The question I bring to the loyal Stiletto Gang readers is how much truth do readers of fiction expect? How much do they deserve? Recently my coauthor and I received a review […]

Smile, You’re On!

By Laura Spinella  My first public reading was nothing short of a disaster. Trust me; there was nothing beautiful about it.  The moment was so bad I couldn’t even articulate the aforementioned pun at my own expense. (See Beautiful Disaster, Penguin, 2011) It was a packed library, which I wasn’t expecting. The sight of the […]

Pondering the Ctrl Alt Delete

By Bethany Maines Date night this weekend involved going to see Star Trek: Into Darkness.  For those who have managed to enjoy the inundation of movie previews, the original Jim Kirk era of Star Trek was given a “reboot” a few years ago, and Into Darkness was the sequel. I’m enjoying this iteration of Star […]

My Dad, My Hero

By Evelyn David   Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope. I’ve always adored that quote from Bill Cosby. Over the years I gave my father enough soap-on-a-rope to cleanse half the city of Baltimore. And every single year, bless him, he acted like I had given him the winning ticket to […]

That’s Not Coaching…

The incredible Harlan Coben (love his books) recently posted an essay called “That’s Not Coaching.  It’s Child Abuse,” in which he detailed the kind of coaches that exist today in youth sports and why they do more damage than one might think.  If you want to read his take, go here:  http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-30/that-s-not-coaching-it-s-child-abuse-.html.  This essay resonated with […]

My Writing Took a Back Seat

The last two weeks have not been good for my writing at all. I’m about 1/3 into my next Rocky Bluff but many, many things have interfered with the writing. I had to judge some manuscripts for a contest–and that was interesting. The first one I read was marvelous. Excellent writing, different plot and a […]

One Size Fits All

By Evelyn David I’ve been thinking a lot about The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares. The premise is that there is a pair of magic jeans that all four best friends can wear, despite their being disparate sizes and shapes. It’s a sweet tale, but mine is true. Many (many) years ago, […]