Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Magnum vs Everybody Else

by Bethany Maines I’ve been watching a lot of Magnum P.I. lately. And two things have become very clear. One, the early 80’s were a time of inappropriately short/tight shorts for men. And as for the second thing, well, it’s a bit like the old joke about intelligence. There are those who can extrapolate from […]

Reaching Way Back

Maggie’s post about her memories stirred up old ones of my own. I only remember back to 5 years old with lots about kindergarten, giant blocks and playing store. I don’t remember learning anything. I had a wonderful friend named Sheila Ainsworth and sometimes I went there after school. I think the reason I was […]

Lights, Camera, Action

By Evelyn David Rhonda and I have been taking Hollywood meetings since we wrote the first Sullivan Investigations mystery, Murder Off the Books. Of course, those meetings have been imaginary, but we prefer to think of them as practice sessions for when we really do get “the call.” Or another way to look at it, […]

Thinking about the Past

From birth to three-years-old, I lived in a beautiful brownstone in Brooklyn; my grandmother lived in the one right next door, the two homes connected by a little front courtyard.  My family decided after a few years to move to the suburbs, something my non-driving grandmother wasn’t entirely enthusiastic about, but she came along, living […]

Home Sweet Home

By Evelyn David I’ve been humming that old Dionne Warwick song, “A House Is Not a Home.” After years of discussing it, hubby and I finally decided it was time to downsize. The house where we’ve lived for 24 years was perfect to raise four children. But now, it’s too big and too much to […]

Just Keep Running

by Bethany Maines I was going to use this blog to announce the publication of my short story.  Two weeks ago readers voted on the name – Spells of Murder, Murder & Magic, or The Law of Magic and selected Spells of Murder as the winner.  And in the interest of self here is the […]

A Birth Announcement

By Evelyn David This has got to be the longest pregnancy on record. But finally the collective Evelyn David is proud to announce the arrival of the newest member of the family: MURDER DOUBLES BACK. The third book in the Sullivan Investigation Series. And we’re just like many new parents who have very carefully picked […]

Getting the Hang of Me-Time…Slowly

By Laura Bradford A few months ago, my husband purchased one of those Amazon specials that forced me to take the yoga class I’ve been contemplating for well over a year. So, finally, I went, despite having no idea what Yoga was really like (I’d simply heard it was good for balance and balance–thanks to my […]

Two Days Later

I had just finished work on Monday when I turned on the television, hoping to catch a few minutes of “Ellen” before starting dinner, walking the dog, putting on a load of laundry, picking the car up from the gas station.  (New tires in anticipation of a trip to Malice were in order.)  I saw […]

More About Titles

Bethany’s post about title made me think about my own titles. For my Deputy Tempe Crabtree mysteries, I’ve used a lot of quotations from Native Americans and plucked a couple of words out of them for titles such as Invisible Path, Wing Beat and Dispel the Mist. The one that I’m working on now has […]