Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Solving My Murderous POV!

By Laura Spinella In the thick of storytelling, the nitty-gritty, nose-to-the-grindstone act of putting words on a blank page, there are bound to be roadblocks. If there aren’t, you’re not doing it right. That’s not to say there’s a magic bullet or formula. It’s just that you can’t get from point A to point B […]

The Healing Power of Aromatherapy by Chrystle Fiedler

By Chrystle Fiedler I’ve been learning, researching and writing about natural remedies for the past decade or so. The more I learn, the more I want to know. Recently when I was researching my newest mystery, I delved into the practice of aromatherapy, which is the practice of using essential oils to improve health and […]

I Miss the Elegance of the Oscar Ceremonies of Old

When did the powers that be decide that crass and obnoxious should be be the theme of the Oscars? Needless to say I was not impressed with the young man who was chosen to be the master of ceremonies this year. I don’t enjoy people being made fun of–and even though the audience laughed, I’m […]

Learning to Walk in Heels

The Stiletto Gang welcomes LynDee Walker, author of Front Page Fatality.   by LynDee Walker I see it every day: women strutting around confidently in three-and-four-inch stilettos that could double as works of art, as un-tottering and sure-footed as if they were wearing Nikes. Until a couple of years ago, I had no idea how […]

Number Sixteen and Still Smiling

By Laura Bradford Happy March, everyone! I’m going to rely largely on pictures for today’s post but I think it’ll be easy to see why… This morning, on the way to my once-a-week Yoga class, I will be taking these 400 + postcards to the post office and dropping them in the mailbox. Dear Daughter # […]

Whodunit? Me!

by Bethany Maines On my recent trip to Iceland we were watching the BBC channel in the hotel room before going to bed (the entertainment value of the Icelandic Shopping Network could only last so long) and I caught a fun segment about the British Library which is showing an exhibit called Murder in theLibrary: […]

THE TESTING – Giveaway!

by: Joelle Charbonneau As I am frantically typing the final chapters to GRADUATION DAY (book 3 of The Testing Trilogy), I have found that my ability to multitask has become severely impacted.  Getting to THE END tends to give me tunnel vision. Nothing exists but completing the story.  Then the fun of editing will begin. […]

What to read next?

By Dru Ann L Love I spent 48 hours in their world, standing next to the protagonist as they gather clue, while trying to nab a killer. The threats don’t deter us from our chosen path of being an amateur sleuth. Victory is ours when justice is achieved. But when it’s all done, I feel […]

Why I Write About Cops and Cops’ Families

With #9 in my Rocky Bluff P.D. series coming out, it’s probably time for me to once again explain why I have the audacity to write about police officers and their families since I’ve never been in law enforcement nor did I grow up in a law enforcement family. What I do have is many […]

The Eyes Have It

There’s an old English proverb, sometimes attributed to Shakespeare or Milton, that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Rhonda, the Southern half of Evelyn David, has struggled for the last two weeks with a corneal ulcer. It doesn’t sound so terrible, except it is. It’s meant that her vision has been compromised, her […]