Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Other House

The Other House By Laura Bradford Do you ever imagine your other house? You know, the one high atop a mountain overlooking a babbling brook? Or the one on the nineteenth floor of a building on Manhattan’s upper west side? Or maybe the one that has the French doors off the writing room that open to the beach and […]

Free Iceland!

Or… Rather, Free & Iceland by Bethany Maines Helloooooo from Iceland! I am away on vacation – travelling in the viking founded, former Denmarkian colony, mostly known as Bjork’s homeland. I’ve learned some fascinating things about Iceland in my scant two days here. For one thing, they don’t have family names here; they use one […]

Living vicariously through my characters

Hello, Stiletto Gang, and thanks to my buddy, Joelle Charbonneau, for inviting me to chat with you today. I hate to get off to a bad start, but frankly, I have a bone to pick with all of you who wear stilettos—and now I see you’ve formed a gang?!!!  You see, I’m an unwillingly reformed […]

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

By Evelyn David   Well Timothy Leary of LSD fame advised us to do all three, but hubby and I only managed the last – we totally dropped out of our fast-paced, over-packed, multi-scheduled lives for one week. We took a cruise. A few days after Christmas, my better half and I started talking about […]

Undying Love in Lottawatah

  Love is in the air? Brianna’s not so sure. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with the psychic from Lottawatah. Read an excerpt from UNDYING LOVE IN LOTTAWATAH   *** Chapter 1   The first valentine I ever received was from Charlie Riggins in first grade. It read, and I can still quote it in its entirety. […]

Thank God for Second Drafts

I’m writing a new book right now, one that isn’t due until August but on which I started work a few weeks ago.  I’m happy to say that I’m 40,000 words into it, which is about 10,000 words past the point where I think “I should start over.  This stinks.” But I keep on keeping […]

My Enjoyment of Books, Movies and TV Have Changed

Yes, I no longer am entertained by the same things I used to be–and I’m going to be honest and blame it on age. Of course there are exceptions as there are exceptions in all things. I used to love horror movies and books–not so anymore. Oh, yes, I still love a good ghost story […]

A Slice of Cake!

February is the month of love but we like our love stories served with a large slice of mystery. How about you? Start your week off right with something sweet, but not too sweet – sample an excerpt from MURDER TAKES THE CAKE ***   “Live turkeys or frozen ones?” Mac frowned at JJ. It didn’t sound like […]

Where Were You?

by Laura Bradford I woke up this morning with the intention of writing this blog on my love of traveling. With a new book out in a little over four weeks, I’ve got lots of hotels and suitcases in my future. Yet, when I jumped on the computer to write my post, I saw a picture […]

Whither the bookstore, great and small?

The fabulous Laura Bradford (one of our fabulous stiletto wearers) and I had the opportunity to do a book signing at a local independent bookstore here in the Hudson Valley.  The bookstore is tucked into a strip of independently owned stores on a lovely street in a town not far from here, and is a […]