Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Awards Shows

I love January because it’s the start of celebrity awards shows. I love watching the Red Carpet show and checking out the outfit the stars are wearing. The whole festivities begin with The People’s Choice, Golden Globes, SAG and then the granddaddy of them all, the Academy Awards. But let’s not forget the authors, because […]

West Wing or… West Awesome?

By Bethany Maines I think we all know my resolution a few weeks ago to stop watching West Wing marathons was merely so much hot air, and in fact the obsession continues. I admit I watched a few episodes when it was originally aired, but at the time I wasn’t paying attention to the writing. […]

The end and the beginning

By: Joelle Charbonneau As writers, we talk a lot about The End of a story and The Beginning of one. Yesterday, I was incredibly fortunate to celebrate a real life event that encompassed both. My mother’s retirement from United Airlines.  Since United moved its headquarters, we all took the trip downtown to Willis Tower (formerly […]

Best Friends, Mortal Enemies

By Evelyn David Jodie Foster’s gracious, thoughtful, clever, impassioned (if slightly confusing) speech at The Golden Globes captured the interest, attention, and affection of most viewers. Although she never used the word “gay,” the audience, both those in the theater and those watching on TV, understood that it was a deliberate choice she was making […]

Comfort Food

by Laura Bradford Comfort food. There’s something about just saying that outloud that gives you warm and fuzzies, isn’t there? Oh, and if you mix comfort foods with a holiday and they become a tradition…even better. For me and my girls (and, I suspect, my brother, too), Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls are a must on Christmas […]

What do I do now???

I wish I were the kind of writer who approached a new book methodically with notes, a plot outline, and a list of characters and all of their quirky traits noted for consistency. I wish I were the kind of writer who kept copious notes—a la Sue Grafton who I heard say that she has […]

Getting Back on Track

By Evelyn David It’s easy….way too easy…to get de-railed. Over the last two months, heavy day-job responsibilities, family illnesses and celebrations, the holidays, you name it, and the two halves of Evelyn David have had trouble composing coherent grocery lists, let alone creating murder and mayhem. It’s not that I think 2013 is going to […]

Mother’s Day

By Laura Spinella **This is an updated rerun of last year’s post on the occasion of my mother’s 84th birthday! She is happily celebrating with two of her grandchildren while I nurse a nasty pinched nerve. It’s kept my blogging/sitting/typing skill set to the bare minimum. So my apologies for the repeat, but I’m sure […]

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It…

by Bethany Maines It’s a new year! And you know what that means? Time for resolutions! Personally, I resolve to stop obsessively watching old episodes of the West Wing. (Actually, I really don’t, but in public we’re going to pretend that I do because it’s embarrassing to obsess over a show that’s over a decade […]