Entries by The Stiletto Gang

One-humped inspiration

by: Joelle Charbonneau During the last few months of 2012, I got a bunch of e-mails asking me about Elwood the camel from my Rebecca Robbins mysteries.  So to start 2013, I thought I’d explain where the inspiration for Elwood came from.  Until my mother heard me speak at a signing, she assumed I put […]

Happy New Year

The end of the year has us going over what we’ve done in the past year. In keeping with a tradition I had when I owned a personal blog, below is my reading round-up. Here is my 2012 reading round-up: This year I’ve read 231 books, up 3% from 2011. This does not include re-reads. […]


We CAN By Laura Bradford It was exactly a week ago today, that evil preyed on Newtown, Connecticut. And not a day has gone by since then that I haven’t cried. I know Newtown. I grew up in the next town over. I’ve driven those streets, passed that school, turned “right at the flag pole.” […]

Tell Me Why

As I sit here on a dreary Monday, thinking about what to write, my mind keeps going back to this past Friday and how I sat and watched television for hours on end, hoping to find out something that would make the story easier to digest, better than we all thought. It was well into […]

Christmas Past

I’ve celebrated a lot of Christmases. As a child, we had great ones despite my parents not having much money. My sister and I always had surprises when we woke on Christmas morning. Some of my favorites were a two story doll house built by my dad with furniture my aunt made. One year I […]

Making Spirits Bright

By Evelyn David “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” ― Booker T. Washington, Up from Slavery This is just a nice, holiday feel-good story. Please share some of your own experiences. These types of tales remind us of how the small gestures of charity and kindness reverberate and reflect […]

Title Me This

By Laura Spinella Titles are interesting things. Often, they grow organically out of a work in progress, popping up on a dusty, finger-smudged screen, the author shouting, “Eureka! That’s it, that’s the title!” At least, that’s how it usually plays out for me.  I don’t think much about the title going in. Compared to the […]

A Holiday Rant

From Bethany Maines The Christmas Season is upon us.  The cards are filling up the mantle.  The lights are hung.  I’m dreaming of Christmas cookies, but haven’t actually found the time to make them.  The tree is decked and if I have to go to the mall again, someone else is getting decked as well. […]

The Holiday Season

by: Joelle Charbonneau I love winter.  Strange, but true.  I love the crisp air, the snow and all the fun that goes along with it.  If it means shoveling the walks or scraping ice off the car—well, that is the price I pay for living in a place where all the seasons are celebrated to […]