Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Introducing Brianna Sullivan Mysteries: Books 1-3

By Evelyn David Once upon a time Brianna Sullivan, a reluctant psychic from Chicago, gave up her job as a lost baggage finder at a major airlines and cashed in her savings to buy a motorhome. She named the motorhome, Matilda. Throwing off the burdens and responsbilities of full time employment, she began her journey across the […]

By the Season

By Laura Bradford I don’t know about you, but depending on what time of year it is, there are certain types of treats I crave. Crave, as in, I can’t think of anything else, sometimes. And then, when the season is over–POOF!–the craving is gone. In the summer, it’s corn on the cob–the white kind […]

The Stiletto Gang welcomes Kelly Miller!

Today, the Stiletto Gang welcomes author Kelly Miller, author of Dead Like Me.  Welcome, Kelly! People Watching Stirs the Creative Juices by Kelly Miller Are you a people watcher? If you’re a novelist, you should be. My husband says I have a bad habit. When I’m in public, I like to listen in on other […]

Tis the Season

By Evelyn David The holiday shopping has begun. Chanukah comes EARLY this year (that’s the thing about the Jewish calendar – it’s lunar, with an extra month every four years, so it never corresponds to the exact same Gregorian calendar date from year to year). Sometimes the eight days of the Festival of Lights coincides […]

What Am I Missing?

You know when you’ve lived somewhere all of your life and realize that you haven’t done most of the things tourists do when they come to your fair city?  Watching the Thanksgiving Day parade, I realized just that.  With the most fabulous city in the world—sorry, San Francisco; pardon, Paris—right in my backyard, I realized […]

How can it almost be December?

By: Joelle Charbonneau Every morning my won wakes up and asks, “Is it December, yet?”  Every morning I say, “No.  Not yet.”  But as I look at the date on the calendar, I realize I won’t get to say that for much longer.  December is coming.  There is no stopping it.  Although, I’d like to […]

Holiday Reading

I love the holiday season because the gifts that I enjoy the most are those that will buy me books and more books. It’s also the time of year when retailers come out with new and/or improved e-readers that my heart desires and yes, my Paperwhite Kindle is on order. I’m a reading geek at […]

Holiday Moments

by Bethany Maines I’ve been enjoying this week of Thanksgiving reflections on the Stiletto Gang. Each one reminds me of my own family and all the little moments that go along with holidays.  My grandmother’s unstoppable attraction to returning to the kitchen just as we were about to pray. “Mama, sit down!  We can’t eat […]

Thanksgiving Traditions

Traditions in my family have changed a lot over the years. The earliest Thanksgivings I remember were at my Grandparents’ home in South Pasadena. Grandma cooked the turkey, my mom and aunt helped with the side dishes, Grandpa carved and we ate the feast at an elegantly set table in the dining room. My sister […]