Entries by The Stiletto Gang


By: Joelle Charbonneau Get out the noise makers and the party hats.  Shove down the nerves and the feelings of inadequacy and party like there is no tomorrow.  (Okay the nerves and inadequacy part is all me, but hey!  It needed to be said.)  Last Tuesday, I celebrated a new book.  SKATING ON THE EDGE […]

To Err is Human, To Forgive Divine

By Evelyn David Let’s be honest from the get-go. I am quick to forgive and forget, except for someone who has hurt my child. I’m still holding a grudge against Eddie, who from age 6 to 12, made my kid’s life a living Hell. I can tell you all the reasons why Eddie was a […]

Cue The Nerves

By Laura Bradford If you could mount a camera inside just about any writer during the single digit days leading up to their latest release, I would imagine you’d see a real push/pull in terms of emotion–excitement that their latest creation is almost in the hands of readers, and worry that their latest creation is […]

A Traveling Jones…

I’m heading out on Sunday morning to Chicago, a city I love yet haven’t visited in the last fifteen years, my traveling time cut way back when I left my in-house job as an editor at a textbook publisher.  Back in the day, my schedule took me away from home for a total of two-and-a-half […]

Most Fun Book Launch Ever

One of my friends who is also a big fan of the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series kept begging to be a character in one of my books. “I don’t care if I’m a murderer or if you kill me off, please put me in a Tempe book.” I finally obliged her. I didn’t use her […]

Food For Thought

By Evelyn David Sometimes I’d like to lose 10 pounds. Most times, I just think about it. Food evokes all kinds of responses.   I have friends who genuinely don’t care what they eat. They eat just to live, could care less what they ingest.   Some see food as a barrier to their ultimate […]

Is there a Research Assistant out there?

by Bethany Maines I need to buy a new computer.  I can’t tell you how much this fills me with dread.  As a working graphic designer I use a computer daily.  This leads some people to think I know how computers work.  I don’t.  I know how my programs work, but what causes them to […]

Crap shoot

by: Joelle Charbonneau Skating On The Edge launches a week from today.  EEK!  A book launch brings with it lots of excitement and nail biting.  Before I started writing, I thought book tours sounded so glamorous.  The idea of people standing in line for hours waiting to get a book signed by an author was […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome to this months edition of Lori’s Book Sense. This having a boyfriend thing is seriously interfering with my reading time 🙂  I barely got anything read this past month. So for this month, I thought I’d share some titles that are due to be released in October that I’m really looking forward to reading. […]

Like Shane’s Sneakers

By Laura Bradford During the latter part of last school year, my eldest daughter and I began looking at colleges. Two of the ones we saw were high on her written list–both falling off that list after our campus visit. The third visit really just happened because I was speaking at a book event in […]