Entries by The Stiletto Gang


I have a joke with a few of the writers here on Stiletto that when I’m just about to get to the end of a manuscript but have run out of ideas, my inclination—one that I have never acted on, by the way—is to write “and then they all died.”  Because let’s face it, by […]

Searching for the perfect fit

by: Joelle Charbonneau I don’t know about you, but I’ve come to believe that life is all about looking for the right fit.  As kids we spend time doing lots of different activities in a search for the things that interest us and will help us grow into the people we are meant to be.  […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome to this months edition of Lori’s Book Sense. I’ve had a very lazy, but exciting summer, so I’ve barely gotten any reading done this month. So for this month, I thought I’d share some titles that are due to be released in September that I’m really looking forward to reading. The Other Woman by […]

So a Man Walks Into a Bar…

Or Look, it’s My New Short Story! by Bethany Maines I have a theory that short stories are like jokes.  There’s the set-up that establishes location and characters. A man walks into a bar with a duck on his head.  Then there’s the action that moves the plot forward. The bartender says, “Sorry, we don’t […]

Confessions of a Retired Queen of Camping

Every vacation my family took was a camping trip of some sort–first to Yosemite when I was small and as a teen, every summer to Bass Lake where we tent camped for two weeks. Glorious long days swimming, boating and water skiing and making lot of new friends. (Even had a couple of summer romances.) […]

Excerpt from Summer Lightning in Lottawatah

by Evelyn David from Summer Lightning in Lottawatah – Book 9 of the Brianna Sullivan Mysteries series ______________ “Cooper?” The apartment door was ajar. “Cooper?” I was yelling his name, partly because I was afraid, partly to make myself heard over the thunder and the barking dog I clutched in my arms. I reached inside […]

Reaching For The Stars

Reaching For The Stars By Laura Bradford Aside from being a mom, working toward a dream and having it come true has been one of my biggest joys in life. I remember, quite vividly, the day the writing bug bit. I was ten years old and playing at a friend’s house. It was raining and […]

Guest Thursday–Kathleen George

Hi, everyone! This is Linda, and I’m pleased to welcome Kathleen George as a guest to The Stiletto Gang. Kathleen has been writing wonderful, smart police procedurals set in her hometown of Pittsburgh for years. The Odds was nominated for an Edgar. Her new book, Simple, will launch Aug. 21. I think it’s her best […]

You Can’t Have It Both Ways

I tripped over the skateboard in the front hallway and cursed under my breath thinking about what I would say to child #2 when I finally saw him.  “Get that damned skateboard out of the hallway!” was my first choice, something that would be followed by a litany of other crimes against humanity he had […]

We need to talk

by: Joelle Charbonneau This might not be a popular blog post.  Normally, I make an attempt to be lighthearted.  Face it, there’s too much unhappiness and tension in the world.  However, today, I’m having a hard time being funny. Yesterday there was another high profile shooting spree—the third in a matter of a few short […]