Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Time Flies When You’re Having fun

By Evelyn David I love Mark Twain. I was thinking of writing a blog on procrastination and found his thoughts on the matter: Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow. Of course, finding clever quotations is one of my favorite forms of procrastination, so there you have it. When […]

No Pause Button

No Pause Button By Laura Bradford As most of you probably already know by now, Stiletto Gang Alum Susan McBride gave birth to the beautiful Miss Emily three weeks ago. Thanks to the internet, we were able to see her first picture and feel as if we were, in some way, part of this precious little […]

What I Learned at Orientation

What I Learned at Orientation I just spent a few days at child #1’s college orientation, desperately trying to fit in with the cool kids (the other parents) so that I wouldn’t have to eat alone in the dining hall.  But this whole post begs a question:  for those of you who went away to […]

The Writers Life…and Life

Last week was both full of what would go under the heading of the writers life–and plenty under the heading of just life. Right off the bat I have to tell you that I never ever write in my pajamas. I shower and dress first thing every morning, I’m going to be prepared for whatever […]

Lessons from the Road

By Evelyn David The vacation was wonderful. But I’m happy to be home. The place where the shower has real water pressure, the mattress already has lumps in the places I like them, and I have access to a refrigerator for a midnight snack that doesn’t cost $20. Forgive me if I sound a bit […]

I’m Glad You Asked…

By Laura Spinella My original thought was to do a post about the upcoming RWA conference and RITA awards. I’ll be on my way to Anaheim at the end of the month for their annual gathering of romantic-minded authors and accompanying soiree where the RITAs are bestowed.  However, I realized that a dress, shoes and […]

Philadelphia Story by Bruce Sarte

by Bruce Sarte This is an excerpt from my latest novel, Philadelphia Story: A Lance Carter Detective Novel. In this scene, Lance receives another phone call from the mysterious young girl and gets some important information from his partner, Linc Diesel. ___________ After Nathalie left I was able to unwind on the couch with Copper […]

The Stiletto Gang welcomes friend Tiger Wiseman

Tiger Wiseman, a friend to the gals here at The Stiletto Gang, has graciously agreed to join us and tell us about her time at the Civilian Police Academy.  Thanks, Tiger! My Time at the Civilian Policy Academy by Tiger Wiseman When I decided to write a mystery I knew I’d have to take some […]

The dog-gone-hot days of summer

by Joelle Charbonneau This summer has been hot.  Not just hot but H—O—T!  I don’t know about where you live, but here in the windy city of Chicago the temperatures last week were in triple digits for several days straight.  Every news report talked about the new record high temperatures that were being set. Um….I’m […]

The Closer – Close to the End

Tonight, the first of the last six episodes of The Closer airs. The TNT detective show is a classic ensemble show with quirky characters who work together to solve a crime each episode. Even after seven years, the show has a fresh, modern feel with interesting camera angles, well-thought out costumes, and the use of […]