Entries by The Stiletto Gang

A New Spin on Lazy

A New Spin on Lazy By Laura Bradford Some of my best memories of childhood involve summer… Swimming at the local pool. Ice pops on the front steps. Kickball games in the cul-de-sac. Chasing fireflies after dark. Flashlight tag with neighborhood friends. Sleepovers. It was as if there was no limit to the things you […]

Fourth of July Memories

The flags were bought by relatives and friends of someone in the military–my grand-daughter and hubby purchased one for my husband who served 20 years in the Seabees and was stationed all around the world, including 3 tours in Vietnam. I love the photo and though it was appropriate for the day before the Fourth. […]

Independence Day

By Evelyn David I’m a creature of habit. Maybe it’s age, but I get comfort from the familiar. I’m not a total fuddy-duddy, but nobody is going to confuse me with a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants adventurer. Me and Amelia Earhart would never be confused. Which is why I am all the more grateful to my grandparents Mendel, […]

Guest Friday – Sarah Anderson

Hi all!  Welcome to Guest Friday!  Today we are lucky to have the lovely and talented Sarah Anderson don her stilettos and chat with us for a while.  She was nice enough to subject herself to an interview with yours truly! Her new book, A Man of Privilege, hits shelves next Tuesday.  Trust me when […]

Dusty (or the dog that got away)

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]

Learning from our pets

by: Joelle Charbonneau It’s still pet week (or weeks to accommodate those of us who post every other week) here on the Stiletto Gang.  When the group talked about doing some themed blog posts, I was happy to hear we were going to chat about our pets both past and present, because you can learn […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Sadie Girl We weren’t really an animal family. Growing up we had two dogs. Muffin was a Lhasa Apso, and the cutest little lap dog.  My brother then got a dachshund that he named Chili –  a chili dog – who was adorable, but also a pain in the butt. That dog would bark at […]

The Dog Was Doing What in the Bathroom?

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]

Our Pets Through the Years

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]