Entries by The Stiletto Gang

A Girl’s Best Friend

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]

The Stiletto Gang welcomes Aimee Hix!

There is an adage that you never ask a question you don’t know the answer to already. I posit that sometimes it is a bad idea to ask a question even if you do already know the answer. I was recently asked to be the moderator for an author panel at Malice, Dirty Little Secrets: […]

I’m “That Woman” Now

I’m “that woman” now.  You know, the one who sees a baby in a stroller and looks at the person pushing it—be it mother, father, or babysitter—and say, a stricken look on her face, “Enjoy it now!  It goes so fast!” I feel sure that I’ve written about this before but now it’s a reality. […]

Has blogging lost it’s sparkle?

by: Joelle Charbonneau In the last year, I’ve heard people starting to call into question the relevance of blogs.  Years ago, and I’m not talking all that many years ago, blogs were fresh and different.  Only a couple of authors blogged.  The novelty of that daily or weekly contact with a favorite author made those […]

My Summer TV!

By Evelyn David Remember when summer television was a vast wasteland of reruns! Not so much anymore. With all the cable stations available, the competition for viewers is tough and in order to compete many networks now offer shows that air new material in the summer months. Some of my favorites have returned this month, […]

Novel Writing & the Food Network

              By Laura Spinella             I’ve been on novel hiatus for a few weeks—okay, maybe closer to a month. Savvy writing advice suggests novelists start another project immediately after finishing one.  Unfortunately, this strategy is not in my author DNA.  I need a break. Novel writing is hard work, and […]

What Made You Write This Book?

By Lynn Cahoon I am so excited to be at The Stiletto Gang. Big thanks to my BFF Laura for inviting me. Ever since I found out that The Bull Rider’s Brother was going to be published, I’ve been asked the ‘author’ questions from friends, family and relatives. Like, when are you going to write […]

Writing Emotionally

by Bethany Maines Just so you know, I’m writing this blog under duress. I have this great idea for a story where I give one of my characters a heart attack (literally) and instead I’m having to do other, actual work. The horror! How dare real life interfere with the creation of fiction? This is […]

What I Learned at my Aunt’s Memorial Service

No, this is not going to be morbid. My Aunt Flossie lived to be 100 years, 6 months, and one day old. She had a most productive and mostly wonderful life. Auntie was the sickly one, often had migraines, had some life-threatening illnesses, and there were several times we thought she might die. She was […]

Those Brits are Keepers

By Evelyn David First, let me offer my congratulations to Lillibet, otherwise known as Queen Elizabeth II, who is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee. In today’s economy, anyone who can hold a job for 60 years is impressive. I adore Great Britain and have been fortunate enough to spend a fair amount of time there. I […]