Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Poodle from H-E-Double Hockey Stick

By Laura Bradford In preparation for writing this post, I jumped online in search of a photograph that would capture the true evilness of my fourth grade nemesis. Yet, despite page after page of poodle pictures, all I could find were (*deep swallow*) cute versions of the four-legged creature that had tortured me on a near […]

I need a recommendation, please

A friend of mine is moving into a co-op in New York City and has been asked by the co-op board to provide four letters of recommendation to prove that she is, in fact, a good neighbor.  She has asked me to write one of the letters because beyond the fact that we were “neighbors” […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome back to Lori’s Book Sense.  Since it’s Memorial Day Weekend, and the official start of summer, I thought that instead of providing you with some reviews of the books I’ve read this past month, I’d share with you some of the amazing books that will be coming out this summer. I apologize in advance if […]

I Owe It All To One Man

By Laura Bradford I have a bit of a confession to make. I’ve always had a few fears, you know, things that make me cringe–bees, bugs of just about any kind, rodents, and anything I see as potentially harmful to my kids. But those kinds of fears I can deal with. I don’t like them, […]

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

by Bethany Maines Anddddd… we’re back from NYC! After a week long trip to the Big Apple where we sampled the food, the night life, the culture and of course, the shopping, I realized that I may possibly be the only vactioner who includes signs as part of my list of tourist attractions. I’m not […]

All hail technology

By: Joelle Charbonneau The age of computers and the internet is a wonderful thing.  Facebook and Twitter, blogs and e-mail allow us to keep in touch with friends and family in way that weren’t possible before.  I, for one, am thrilled because I’m pretty bad at writing letters.  Well, actually the writing part I did […]

Hello, I Must Be Going

by Susan McBride I’ve been part of the Stiletto Gang for just about four years, and it’s been an absolutely wonderful experience. When Maggie asked me to guest blog in 2008, I had no idea that it would turn into a regular gig. I had once sworn I wouldn’t do blogs again because it involves […]

A Multi-Talented Artist

The Stiletto Gang is pleased to welcome Elizabeth Zelvin. Author, therapist, singer, Liz has lots to share about her new book, new CD, and so much more! 1. Where does your new book, Death Will Extend Your Vacation, pick up the story of Bruce Kohler? Bruce got sober at Christmas at the beginning of Death Will […]

Shop Local…If You Can

In the little village in which I live, we have two “business” districts.  I use that term loosely because for one area, there is no business to speak of, and any business that does exist in either zone is struggling mightily for its life.  There are a few brave souls who continue to try to […]

More About Weddings

Ever since attending grandson’s wedding, I’ve been thinking a lot about the weddings in my past. Guess who? October 24, 1951 and yes, it’s me and my husband. We were married in the minister’s home with my mother and my husband’s dad as witnesses. Afterwards, we went back to new husband’s grandmother and maiden aunt’s […]