Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Wait… I have an extra Aunt?

Or As the Wishkah Flows by Bethany Maines I don’t have that many shows that rate the “I have to be home to watch” treatment (aside from Castle), but I have to admit that one of the shows that I will make time for is the show about famous people researching their family tree – […]

Hours in the day….

by: Joelle Charbonneau I’m not sure who decreed that there shall only be twenty-four hours in a day, but at the moment I need to have a serious talk with that person. I mean…there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything that needs to be done. Housework. Cooking. Shopping. Errands. Pre-school field […]

Zoned for Murder

by Evelyn David Zoned for Murder was published last week. It’s our first mystery in the Sound Shore Times Mystery series. Former Newsweek reporter Maggie Brooks has two kids, a dead husband, a mortgage to pay, and a lot of competition when she tries to get back into the shrinking newspaper business. Landing a job with […]

Left Coast Crime Report

Today I came home from Left Coast Crime in Sacramento. I arrived by train in California’s capital 1t 12:30 p.m. and my panel was at 2:45. Whew! I checked into the hotel, took my suitcases to my room, headed back down to the reception area and registered for the conference. I’m not exactly sure what […]

The Clock is Ticking

By Evelyn David This week is BIG! Today our new mystery, Zoned for Murder, has been published in all e-book formats. It’s the first book of a new series, The Sound Shore Times Mysteries. Join us for the exciting new adventure we’ve created. Zoned for Murder has a killer story, compelling characters, and humor to […]

Let’s Hear It for the Girls!

by Mary Curran Hackett, debut author of Proof of Heaven If you’re the only person who hasn’t heard about, read, or seen The Hunger Games then it’s safe to say you live under a rock—or probably more rightly—you don’t live with a teenage girl. If you haven’t, don’t feel badly. I am usually that “one […]


or How a Gas Cap Helped Me Write by Bethany Maines   So today as I was driving to the Starbucks (because I was too lazy to make my own oatmeal) I saw a woman driving with her gas cap perched on the hood of her car. I was going to honk and try and […]

Confessions of a non-chocoholic

Hello. My name is Joelle and I am not addicted to chocolate. There. I said it. And even as I admit my lukewarm feelings about chocolate, I feel as if I should hang my head in shame. Why? Well, almost all my female friends adore chocolate. They can’t get enough of the stuff. Whether they […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome to this months edition of Lori’s Book Sense. I hope you enjoy these great titles I’ve chosen for you this month. Spilled Blood by Brian Freeman (May 1st) ~ A taut thriller about two rural Minnesota towns locked in a deadly feud–and a teenage girl caught in the crossfire. Linked by the Spirit River, the two […]