Entries by The Stiletto Gang

THE LIFEGUARD & Author Deborah Blumenthal

We are so excited to have author Deborah Blumenthal stop by The Stiletto Gang! Her new YA novel, THE LIFEGUARD, was just released and we are thrilled she’s here to share some thoughts about writing and her new book! Here’s a blurb about this inspired story that author Melissa Senate calls, “Gorgeously written…”  It’s an unsettled summer […]

Save the Snark, Please the Writer

I much prefer watching the Red Carpet coverage to watching the Oscars, which to me, are comprised of a bunch of self-congratulatory, long-winded speeches about “craft” and “the work” intermingled with some songs, some dancing, and a few movie clips. All of the talk about how hard acting is makes it seem like going to […]

Need to Take My Own Advice

Managing our time has been a frequent topic on this blog. I’m always quick to give advice on the subject. This week I realized that I need to heed what I spew out to others. One thing I gave up doing long ago was housework. The last few years I’ve had someone in the family […]

Are Fountain Pens Obsolete?

By Evelyn David I recently was given an iPad. I feel like the coolest Grandma in the world. As hip as my twenty-something daughter. When my husband and I were looking for a cover for the iPad, he asked if I wanted one that had a built-in, traditional keyboard, rather than use the touchscreen of […]

Book Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to Christine B. for winning the signed copy of Ellen Byerrum’s DEATH ON HEELS and to Pam H. for winning Chrystle Fiedler’s DEATH DROPS.  Enjoy the books, ladies!  Thank you to the authors for their generosity and to everyone who commented on posts to enter!!!

What Are the Odds?

by Susan McBride As a 47-year-old woman who’s five months pregnant (and who did it the old-fashioned way), I’m glad I didn’t read the statistics before Ed and I tried to have a baby.  I saw an article today where fertility experts basically said the possibility of someone my age getting knocked up without medical […]

Death Drops

by Chrystle Fiedler First of all I’d like to thank the Stiletto Gang for having me as a guest on their blog! I’m here to talk about my new book DEATH DROPS: A NATURAL REMEDIES MYSTERY that features Willow McQuade, ND, a naturopathic doctor who specializes in natural cures. When her aunt Claire is murdered, […]

The Truth About Fashion Bites

by Ellen Byerrum Thank you, Stiletto Gang, for inviting me here today! For those of you who may not know, I write the Crime of Fashion mystery series featuring Lacey Smithsonian, a fashion reporter who solves crimes with fashion clues, and also comments on the daily fashion contretemps of Our Nation’s Capital. I am thrilled […]

Me time???

by: Joelle Charbonneau While talking to a friend the other day, I was asked the question, “When do you have time for you?” Time for me? The question stopped me dead in my tracks. Perhaps it shouldn’t have. But it did. Which probably isn’t good. Most days, I’m so busy taking care of my son, […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome to this months edition of Lori’s Book Sense. I hope you enjoy these great titles I’ve chosen for you this month. The French Girl by Felicia Donovan ~ The heartwarming story of a young French girl, Etoile, raised in a world of prejudice and despair, who becomes orphaned and is sent to live with her […]