Entries by The Stiletto Gang


by Bethany Maines My husband, a confirmed football enthusiast since birth, prefers to watch the Super Bowl with, at most, a select few of fellow football enthusiasts who won’t talk over the game and a large dish of BBQ pork with spicy-hot Chinese mustard and toasted sesame seeds.  My preferred way of watching the Super […]

Ways to Keep Your Mind Young

I would never tackle writing how to keep yourself looking young though I do think there are some things that help. One that really doesn’t help are facelifts. Egad, some of the beautiful movie stars have ruined their faces and no longer even resemble themselves in their attempts to look young. But that’s a whole […]

Life Lessons from a Toddler

By Evelyn David I’m blessed with the smartest, prettiest, sweetest granddaughter on earth (I add here a poo, poo to ward off any evil eyes, per the original Evelyn), as well as the invitation for any other Grandma to question my definitive statement. But what I’ve also discovered is how much I’ve learned from this […]

How Making A Book Is Like Making A Baby

By (the almost five months’ pregnant) Susan McBride I’m following Maggie Barbieri’s lead this week. On Wednesday, she talked about how dieting and writing are linked. Since I’m not dieting (um, quite the opposite) and am lacking in fresh ideas to blog about, I thought I’d discuss how similar pregnancy and writing are. Yes, I’m […]

Dieting and Writing: The Link

Dieting and Writing:  The Link I will lose fifteen pounds by spring. I will write one thousand words a day—or more—so that I beat my deadline by three months. Dieting and writing are two things I think about way too much.  Thinking about these two topics is probably a good thing.  I need to be […]

Crime Doesn’t Pay: An Early Lesson from Dick Tracy

by Kate Kelly If you love mysteries and grew up reading the funny papers, chances are that you followed the adventures of Dick Tracy, a comic strip that first appeared in 1931. Dick Tracy introduced professional crime-fighting to the comic pages for the first time. The inspiration for the strip came to Chester Gould, its […]

Lori’s Book Sense

Welcome to this months edition of Lori’s Book Sense. I hope you enjoy these great titles I’ve chosen for you this month. The Last Word by Ellery Adams ~ Olivia Limoges and the Bayside Book Writers are excited about Oyster Bay’s newest resident: bestselling novelist Nick Plumley, who’s come to work on his next book. But […]

Close To Home

By Laura Bradford Ever have one of those Ruh-Roh moments ala The Jetsons? Well, I just had one when I realized it was Friday and I was up for a post here with my fellow Stiletto babes. In my defense, I truly had no idea it was even Friday, let alone the fourth Friday. You see, my […]

V-Day is Upon Us

And You Should Pass the Chocolate By Bethany Maines The ads for that certain holiday have started already. You know the pink, frilly, and frequently scantily clad ads I’m referring to. They also come in diamond and/or chocolate covered versions, but they all say pretty much the same thing: buy, buy, buy and if you […]

Trusting your gut

by: Joelle Charbonneau I have a sick tot. Friday he was fine. Friday night he coughed himself awake until morning. By Saturday at noon he had a 102.0 temperature. Now, I’m not a worrier by nature. I know fevers can run high for kids. (Heck, I still spike a high temp when I get the […]