Entries by The Stiletto Gang

It’s Raining on My Car

or  Why I’m Thankful by Bethany Maines So it’s the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house…  Yeah, Thanksgiving eve doesn’t quite have the same storied tradition as Christmas, does it? The kids don’t get giggly in excitement waiting for the giant turkey to burst out of the oven and give them the gifts […]

Remember when I said…

by: Joelle Charbonneau Ok, so remember a couple of weeks ago?  I said I didn’t use recipes when I cook.  Well, for the most part that is true.  Of course, I make exceptions to that rule when I bake because – well, baking is more of a science.  No recipe means flat cookies, dense cakes […]

Let Us Give Thanks

One year, my third son was to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on the Saturday following Thanksgiving. A Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish rite of passage and marks the moment when a 13-year old boy is considered an adult member of the congregation. (A Bat Mitzvah is the ritual for girls). It’s a religious ceremony where […]

The Word Thief

by Susan McBride I’ve been reading with interest information regarding the latest case of plagiarism in the literary world.  A novelist named Quentin Rowan writing as Q.R. Markham has admitted to stealing passages from various novels in order to compose Assassin of Secrets, a modern day James Bond-type book published recently by Little, Brown & […]

Lowering Your Expectations

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I have had the pleasure of hosting the past several dinners here at Chez Barbieri.  This year, we will play host to hubby’s family—twelve of us in all—and perhaps a friend and her family for dessert.  My turkey is known in the family for its moistness and fabulous flavor, […]

Planning for Thanksgiving

It’s my turn to do Thanksgiving Dinner once again. Last year we traveled to Southern California to our youngest daughter’s big, beautiful house and I didn’t have to do a thing. Plus I got to spend time with grandchildren I don’t have the opportunity to be with very often. When I go down there, I […]

Creating Lottawatah, Oklahoma

Despite what readers from eastern Oklahoma believe, Lottawatah, Oklahoma doesn’t exist except in the Brianna Sullivan Mysteries series. I’ve given several library talks concerning the reluctant psychic stuck in a small town, adjacent to Lake Eufaula, just south of Interstate Highway I-40. Everyone thinks they know exactly where it is, some are certain that they’ve been […]

The Beast of Chapter One

By Laura Spinella  Original Draft from Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind  I had a different five letter B-word in mind for the title of this blog, but I heard Susan McBride whisper in my ear, “Hey, Miss Laura, try to keep it civil and polite…” I defer to her impeccable manners. I […]

Felled by Fruitcake – Amy Alessio

Thanks for letting me stop by the Stiletto Gang today. I was thinking about Joelle’s great blog from earlier this week about the freedom to cook without a recipe. If she ever needs some cookbooks to get inspiration from, I have over 450 in my house. That’s right. And I won’t even count the Retro […]

Writing is Like Getting Punched in the Face

or Your Sensei-ism of the Day by Bethany Maines A member of my writer’s group, who is at the relative beginning of her writing journey, recently turned in a story for critique and my response was that clearly the middle sucked and it needed to be totally restructured, but other than that the story was […]