Entries by The Stiletto Gang

So you’re published. Now what?

by Lorhainne Eckhart You’re a new author. Your book’s published, your dreams been turned into a reality. It’s an exciting time… well it should be. Except, you find out the publisher doesn’t promote your book for you. You need to do all the work. Then you ask yourself, what exactly does my publisher do for […]

The WAW System

Or Why Novelists Make Such Terrible Employees By Bethany Maines I once had a job as an illustrator for a physical therapy software company and at some point my passive-aggressive boss sent me an email that said, “You sure type a lot for an artist.” A statement that is, let’s face it, entirely accurate, and […]

Marching on wedges to my own drummer

WOW! I can’t tell you how excited I was to be asked to join the Stiletto Gang. I mean, so many of the authors on this blog are the ones lining my bookshelves. Being offered a spot in the blog family made me dance the tarantella in my living room before I gave my answer […]

Dating in the 21st Century

The last two weeks have been busy ones in the household of the Northern half of Evelyn David. It was my husband’s birthday and our anniversary. Though he’s a (very, very proud) grandfather now, in the important ways, he’s still the intelligent, kind, generous, funny seventeen-year-old guy who picked me up in his Dad’s Oldsmobile […]

My Theme to A Summer Place

By Laura Spinella Recently, I read a post by Alice Hoffman. It said she was going away for the summer to write. It’s seems like an appropriate time of year to escape and change venues, a seaside locale full of sunshine and inspiration, surrendering that off day to the beach if need be. It must […]

What We’re Reading!

We thought it would be fun to share what we’re reading right this moment! So here’s the scoop on which spines we’ve got cracked and those covers we just closed. Bethany: I’m reading GEEZER GIRLS, a crime novel by British author Dreda Say Mitchell. The first couple of chapters aren’t thrilling me (a garter can […]

Turning “Off”

I’m the kind of person who when faced with nothing to do, a long stretch of interrupted peace, finds something to do.  I’m not good at relaxing.  Mr. Maggie often refers to it as my “on/off switch.”  He says that if I’m not “on,” I’m “off,” which usually means that I’m asleep.  I have a […]

Sneak Peek of My New Cover

This is the cover for my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, Bears With Us, due out mid August. When I was asked by the cover artist what I wanted on the cover, I said a stylized Native American looking bear. Did I have a picture in my mind? No, but this particular artist has done […]

Enjoy the Holiday!

Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book series I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries- Kindle – Nook – Smashwords The Dog Days of Summer in Lottawatah- Kindle – Nook – Smashwords The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah- Kindle – Nook – Smashwords Undying Love in Lottawatah- Kindle – Nook – Smashwords A Haunting in Lottawatah – Kindle […]

I’ve Got the My-New-Book’s-Out-in-Two-Months Jitters

by Susan McBride Yeah, it starts early.  Like, long before your book hits the shelves in any brick-and-mortar stores.  When it’s available for pre-order online, only usually your cover art’s not even up yet and there’s no description.  Just your title and your name, and a lonely box that says, “Cover Unavailable.” Even if you’ve […]