Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Redefining Infidelity (and oh yeah, stupidity, too)

I live in the greater New York metropolitan area but I don’t think I’m getting any more coverage of the Anthony Weiner fiasco than those you elsewhere.   I have been treated to a variety of salacious and ridiculous front-page headlines in my local paper, thought, poking fun at Weiner’s antics as well as his name.  […]

Better Late Than Never

I thought I could do this while still in Sedona but Internet access was hard to find in our campground, Sedona is a beautiful place. I heard a quote that describes it,”God made the Grand Canyon for everyone to enjoy but He made Sedona as his dwelling place.” Besides sightseeing, I gave two talks which were […]

Vacation and the Writer

The good news is that you can set your own hours, wear pajamas the whole day, and not answer to anyone but yourself (and your co-author) about how much you accomplished. The bad news is that you can set your own hours – which can mean 24/7; wear pajamas the whole day – which means […]

A Few Good Men… Can Have a Questionable Past

By Laura Spinella I have a thing for men. Good to know… is probably your reaction to that. Fair enough, but I was referring to male characters, the ones I cast in books. Arguably, the female character is at the heart of most romantic fiction. Her job is to drive the story and fan the […]

Too Young for Stilettos, But…

By Lauren Baratz-Logsted I’m just retro enough that I use a real physical dictionary when I need to look a word up and my 11th edition of Merriam-Webster defines “stiletto” as: a dagger; an embroidery tool; a shoe. The Sisters 8, being just seven years old, are too young to go teetering around in stilettos […]

Statistical Addiction

by Bethany Maines Hi, I’m Bethany, and I have a statistical addiction.  What?  This isn’t Statistics Anonymous?  Well, I might as well confess anyway – seeing as I’m already here and among friends. Recently I took all of my stats on running since 2004 and collated them into one spreadsheet and then I turned them […]

Time Management–What’s That?

Anyone else have trouble managing their time and getting everything done that they wanted to do? I used to be much better at it than I am now and that’s when I ran, owned and lived in a home for 6 developmentally disabled women. Besides cooking, planning activities, doing laundry, taking people to the doctor, […]

Whose Responsibility is this Mess?

Let me begin this with the assertion that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a pompous, two-faced, lying, sleazy idiot. Not a big surprise to anyone. In fact, most people probably thought that even before the latest love-child scandal erupted. Rumors about his misogynist behavior have circled the guy since he landed on these shores, and most certainly […]

Trust the Gut

by Susan McBride    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about instinct.  The kind of gut feeling that helps us with self-preservation.  The older I get, the more I’ve learned to trust my gut, even if someone else is telling me I’m wrong.  Because that little voice inside my head has proved right too many […]

Guest Blog – Amy Bourret, Author of MOTHERS & OTHER LIARS

            “No mother would ever do that. Period.”             “I wouldn’t make those choices, but I can understand why    Ruby made  them.”             “The author obviously has no maternal instincts.”             “How dare you write about mothers when you aren’t one?”             “I wonder how you would have written the story differently if you were […]