Entries by Maria Geraci

Sleeping with the windows open

by Maria Geraci First, I must apologize for missing my blogs last month. What was I thinking? Well, clearly, I wasn’t. This time last month I was in the middle of the RWA conference and there was lots of other stuff going on and I simply forgot. So sorry! Now, onto today’s blog, which I’m writing in the […]

Beach Reads!

by Maria Geraci I hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend filled with lots of good family time, sunshine, great food and a renewed sense of thankfulness for all that our troops have done to help preserve our country’s wonderful freedom. I love the beginning of summer! The end, not so much (August is stifling here in […]

My In Between Writing Style

by Maria Geraci There comes a time in every book’s life when the author sits back from her keyboard, scratches her head, and asks, “Now what?” I really hate when this happens. And it happens every time. At least to me it does, and I imagine it happens to most other authors as well. For […]

Writing from my Happy Place

by Maria Geraci Before you begin to snicker, I’m not talking about that happy place (mind out of the gutter, please!), I’m talking about writing from a place of internal happiness. Happiness is something I’ve thought about a lot lately. We all strive to be happy. But how many of us can define what it is […]

Happy Easter!

by Maria Geraci I love Easter weekend! When I was kid, growing up in central Florida, Easter was one of the most anticipated holidays at my house. My parents, being strict Catholics, always emphasized the importance of the holiday over all the other religious holidays and made a huge deal of the entire weekend. As […]

I’ve Got The Music In Me

by Maria Geraci Every book I’ve written has been inspired, in part, by either a song or a playlist of songs. When I’m immersed in writing a story, there’s always music playing in my head. A lot of writers I know create playlists for their books. I’ve never done an “official” playlist for any of […]