Entries by Maria Geraci

Girl Scout Cookies and Ducks who Refuse to Die

by Maria Geraci With a title like that I’m sure you’re going WHAT? Currently, I’m in full writer mode frantically typing away on a manuscript that was supposed to be due to my agent a few weeks ago. Granted, that deadline was one of my own making, but still. I hate getting behind on my […]

A Heroine to Root For

by Maria Geraci This Saturday, I’ll be giving a workshop for the Ancient City Romance Writers of America (great group, btw!) on Creating a Strong Romantic Heroine. It’s my contention that the heroine in your romance novel is the back bone of your entire story. If your readers don’t connect with her in a strong […]

Tis the Season to fight technology

(Or why you should never spill coffee into your lap top computer) by Maria Geraci Technology and I do not mix. Let me tell you why. A couple of weeks ago the unthinkable happened. While typing away feverishly on my previous 10-year-old Dell lap top computer, I accidentally knocked over the nearly full cup of […]

Fall Lineup

by Maria Geraci It is now officially Fall, and you know what that means. TV is back! Well, at least fresh TV, and it’s about time because I was getting heartily sick of reruns. My DVR is programmed and ready to go with “my shows” as I affectionately call them. What are my shows? Well, I’m […]

Getting through the first draft

by Maria Geraci You know how I know I’m excited about starting a new book? I begin writing at all sorts of strange hours. And by strange hours, I mean 2 a.m or 4 a.m or maybe even in the middle of cooking dinner which can create all sorts of problems if one wants their […]

My Crazy Summer

by Maria Geraci I can’t believe that in just a few days summer will be over. Although officially, summer isn’t over until Sept 21, Labor Day weekend traditionally marks the beginning of fall. Soon, it will be football games, cooler weather, dropping leaves and the beginning of the holiday rush. I’m both looking forward to […]

Saving the World, One raccoon at a time

 A few weeks ago, my hubby took the dog out for his evening walk. As they were heading back to the house, he decided to take a short cut through our front lawn. That’s when Truffles, our very precocious and only semi-trained 3 year-old dachshund (remember, all my dogs are doggie school dropouts) began barking […]

The Dog Ate my Cake

From the cat who literally swallowed the canary (and then threw it up on your aunt’s antique Persian rug) to the dog who ran away, we at the Stiletto Gang put our collective heads together and thought: what could be better than walking down memory lane with thoughts of some of our favorite–and not-so-favorite–pets? Join […]