Entries by Bethany Maines

What to Giveaway

Is it good to giveaway a book? Well, as a recipient of the occasional free book, I will confirm that yes, I think it’s great when authors giveaway books.  However, many authors feel extremely leery of giving away free books. There have been many instances of winners selling books or copying content, so that fear […]

Derringer Awards

Awards Season is Here! No, it’s not time for the Oscar’s or anything normal people care about.  I’m talking about the extremely niche category of mystery short story awards.  The Short Fiction Mystery Society, a volunteer-lead group of short fiction writers annually hosts the Derringer Awards.  Any member is welcome to submit a short story […]

Luckless Love

Luckless Love Releases November 18! Next week will see the release of Luckless Love, a contemporary “enemies to lovers” romance with a hint of “mistaken identity” set in Eastern Washington with a “happily ever after” ending.  This standalone novel was fun to write, but more fun to research. The story revolves around a winery and […]


Is it Creativity or Goddess? As someone who works in a creative field professionally, I’m endlessly interested in how creativity functions. Where does anyone get their inspiration?  Heck, where do I get my inspiration? The Greek idea of a muse—a goddess who comes by to inspire an artist—makes sense to me because sometimes ideas do […]

Marketing for Authors

Can an Author Really Do Marketing Too? For traditionally published authors the marketing happens without much input.  Whatever ads are placed are done by the publisher who can adjust the price point at their discretion. This can be frustrating or blissful for an author depending on their viewpoint.  I swing between the two. I love […]


Rejection is Knocking Part of any creative endeavor that gets shared with the public is rejection.  I understand that not every person will love my creative projects.  And I even get that somewhere out there is someone who hates my books and art.  In fact, I kind of hope there is.  I would like to […]

A Little Larceny…

Is it Larceny or Just Larcenous? Short stories are their own art form and while I enjoy writing them, I will frequently wait for inspiration to strike rather than trying to force one into existence. And this year, I’ve only had one short idea that I wanted to work on—The Rage Cage.  However, once I […]