About Bethany Maines
Bethany Maines, a native of Tacoma WA, is the author of action adventure and fantasy tales that focus on women who know when to apply lipstick and when to apply a foot to someone’s hind end. When she’s not traveling to exotic lands, or kicking some serious butt with her black belt in karate, she can be found chasing after her daughter, or glued to the computer working on her next novel.
Entries by Bethany Maines
/in author promotion, Romance, Series/by Bethany MainesHudson is Released into the Wild! It’s release day for Hudson, book 1 of the Rejects Pack. This archaeological thriller / paranormal romance melds all the booby trapped tomb adventures of Indiana Jones with some shifter wolves, flirtatious banter and tosses in some evil warlocks and a mysterious mummy for good measure. So in some […]
Rejects Pack Trilogy
/in New Release, Romance, Romantic Suspense, Uncategorized/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines IT’S A TRILOGY! So last year I swore I wasn’t going to do another “quick” release of a trilogy because that was just too much work. The Supernatural world of the 3 Colors Trilogy was so much fun, but was I ever tired by the time A Brighter Yellow came out. I thought that […]
Plotter vs. Pantser
/in Author Life, How to Write/by Bethany MainesWhen is a Plotter a Pantser? I recently participated in a fun podcast where I debated the old writing argument of whether to plot out a novel in detail or whether or to simply dive in and wing it. I was arguing for the plotter side. As a former pantser, I can attest to the […]
Rewrite Time
/in Author Life, Christmas, How to Write/by Bethany MainesTime for a Rewrite With Christmas just past and the long stretch of post holiday free time ahead (that’s a joke, there’s no free time, just more gray skies) it must be time to launch into a new project. Or perhaps just rehash, reimagine, and rewrite an old one. I’m mid-way through turning my Christmas […]
Battery Life
/in Author Life, Christmas/by Bethany MainesMy battery life be like… Whew! I rolled into November like I thought I was Rocky and I’m hitting mid-December like I’m Rocky after going the distance with Apollo Creed. I caught the flu over Thanksgiving weekend and that took me down right when I wanted to be hard charging into Christmas decorating! Combined with […]
Let’s All NaNoWriMo… or Not
/in Christmas, Cozy Mysteries, How to Write, Inspiration, Romance, Series/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany “NaNoWriMo” Maines NaNoWriMo Wha? I don’t really believe in NaNoWriMo AKA National Novel Writing Month. Partially just because I object strenuously to the clunky abbreviation. But also because the goal of writing fifty thousand words in a month reduces novel writing to a very basic component—words. Writing fifty-thousand words is an accomplishment of […]
The Fallen Man Release
/in Author Life, characters, How to Write, New Release, Romance/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines The Fallen Man Release! Next week sees the release of the fourth book in the Deveraux Legacy series – The Fallen Man. I suspect that each author picks their projects based on something in the story that they want to explore. For me this series started out as an exploration of why […]
/in Author Life, How to Write/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines Recently, I was working on a bit of research for a novel and was forced to reach up into my library of reference books… OK, let’s just pause and admit that’s how old I am. I have reference books. When I wrote my first novel, Bulletproof Mascara, my heroine was a linguist, […]
Holiday Novella
/in Author Life, Christmas, Mystery, Romance/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines A New Holiday Novella Oh my goodness! COVID down time actually came through for me this year and I have finished, yes that’s right actually finished, the holiday novella I’ve been planning on getting around to for last THREE years. Way back in 2017 I completed what I would consider a long […]