Entries by donalee Moulton

Justice in New France, 1734

My latest mystery book took me back in time and out of my comfort zone. Conflagration! is a historical mystery set in Montreal in 1734. It raises issues about slavery in Canada – and introduces us to a justice system that is distinctly different from 2024. I posed 10 questions to the book’s main character […]

In the right place

Céad míle fáilte. This Gaelic expression means “a hundred thousand welcomes.” If you live in Nova Scotia, as I do, this is an expression you will have seen for much of your life. (Pronouncing it is a different issue altogether.) A hundred thousand welcomes in any language speaks to the type of people you are […]

I found my bliss — in the bathtub

This is my second blog as part of the gang. I realize we’re still getting to know one another so I thought I would share a little something about one of my favorite activities. This piece originally appeared in The Globe & Mail.   I’m a splish-splash person. I relish the warm envelope of water […]

Welcome to my world by donalee Moulton

I ’m thrilled to be joining the Stiletto Gang and to be making it my mission to bring mystery, humor, romance, and high heels to the world. You’ll be hearing from me the third Thursday of each month – but comments, questions, and ideas are always welcome. As a first step, I thought it would […]