Entries by Donnell Ann Bell

It’s Subjective

Happy Monday! I interrupt this blog to announce I have a book on sale! My award-winning Until Dead: A Cold Case Suspense is discounted  to $.99 through April 15, 2024. Haven’t read it yet? The sale is available on the following digital outlets: Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple and Google Books. The following link will detail […]

Brooke Terpening joins The Stiletto Gang

Hello to The Stiletto Gang members and readers! I never saw myself joining a gang, but here goes!  My first blog shares an important aspect of my life outside of writing. I look forward to connecting with you!  ~ Author Brooke Terpening ~~~ March 22, 2024, 2:32 pm.  People gathered in the corner of the […]

Just Be Professional

Every once in a while I like to revisit one of my articles that I believe has a timeless message. If I had a superpower and could change the world I would fight against bullying. By Donnell Ann Bell Years ago, I had the opportunity to participate in my local sheriff’s office citizens’ academy. After […]

On Accepting Advice

Dear Readers: I’m slowly but surely recovering from 2023! So much progress. I’m still grieving, but my mother’s estate is settled and I can see the floor to my office. I realized it was my day to blog on The Stiletto Gang so I pulled up an article I wrote in 2016. Funny, the position […]

Multitasking, Time Management and Organization

Multitasking, Time Management and Organization By Donnell Ann Bell Where’s my keys? Where’s my phone? What did I do with my glasses? Sound familiar? Many people attribute forgetfulness to advancing years. Me? I attribute forgetfulness to distraction, our busy lives, and the ridiculous notion that if we’re doing multiple things at once, we’re efficient and […]


Happy Monday!  Because I’m traveling today, I thought I’d leave you with something that ideally will brighten your day.  Note:  My thought-stolen-purse saga happened some years ago, and yes, I’m still married to the guy.  For the record, I didn’t even change the names to protect the innocent. By Donnell Ann Bell My day starts […]

The Force Behind Words

By Donnell Ann Bell When I was growing up, I heard often—particularly on the playground–the children’s rhyme, “Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” I looked up its origin, which appears to have been around since the 1830s. I suspect whoever coined the phrase meant well, probably devised the […]