Entries by Donnell Ann Bell

Interview with Stiletto Gang Member Lois Winston

 When Stiletto Gang Blog members suggested interviewing fellow blog members, it only made sense for me to partner with author Lois Winston. After all, as critique partners, we know where  Author Lois Winston the bodies are buried (so to speak).  I feel fortunate to have Lois as a critique partner. She has an outstanding brain, is […]

Putting the Character in Character

Happy Valentines all. So excited today’s my day to blog because it gives me an opportunity to interrupt this session to tell you about the last day of my sale. I’m traditionally published and my publisher places my books on sale, not me.  So, before I get to my blog, allow me to a quick […]

Ready, Not Ready (A tribute to Cathy Perkins)

by: Donnell Ann Bell On December 21, 2021, The Stiletto Gang lost a blog partner and friend. Cathy Perkins passed away. She was able to celebrate her 41st wedding anniversary with her husband, and I know firsthand how proud and delighted she was with her daughters, spouses, and grandchildren. These people were her world. For […]

Homework or Not, Why I Attend Book Clubs

Does anyone remember in our school-age years when our instructors handed out assignments and we had X amount of time to complete? Sometimes students had a week. Often, work was due the next day. Many times, I felt ill-prepared and handed in work I considered less than my best. On those days I was left […]

Inspiration Close to Home

I believe authors–well, most people for that matter, seek inspiration. Perhaps that’s why they will stop perusing social media, or a newspaper article, and hone in on a pull quote or a funny or powerful meme. I’m certainly no different. But as a storyteller, I’m fortunate because I find inspiration each an every morning right […]

Make Setting Work for Your Story

  by Donnell Ann Bell  Have you ever been reading a novel, only to find yourself skimming over a passage of long, drawn out setting or description? My guess is you did that because you already had a clear visual and were ready to get on with the story. Setting and description belong in a […]

Good Things Come to Those who Wait, But . . . .

Hello, Stiletto Gang and Readers: As I write this, I’m packing my bags and getting ready for the adventure to start. One daughter-in law is expecting twins, (a boy and a girl) and another daughter-in-law is expecting a baby boy. It’s an exciting time as a grandmother, and after 2020, what’s truly exciting is now […]

A Tribute and a Review

 Hi, folks. Today is Cathy Perkins’s day to blog with The Stiletto Gang. She’s ill, and not up to blogging, so I volunteered to take her day. Since it is her day, I thought I’d tell you a story about Cathy, then do a review of her latest, The Body in the Beaver Pond. Years […]

Crossword Puzzles or a Writer’s Research

  by: Donnell Ann Bell  “What’s a three-letter word for expert?” my husband asks as I’m getting a glass of water before returning to my office. I stiffen. Here it comes, where I should be concentrating on three letters my brain turns into a giant mushroom cloud and I think of every word under the […]