Entries by Saralyn Richard

It’s No Secret by Saralyn Richard

          It’s no secret that I worked in urban high schools as a teacher, administrator, and consultant before becoming an author of fiction. So, when I wrote A MURDER OF PRINCIPAL, all of my close friends and colleagues couldn’t wait to see whether they would make an appearance in the book […]

A Few Favorite Books by Saralyn Richard

  I’m often asked about favorite books, and I consider that an unfair question for someone who reads as much as I do. Practically every book I read is my favorite when I’m immersed in its world, identifying with its characters. I truly have hundreds of favorite books that have touched me at different times […]

Libations Fit for a King

Libations Fit for a King by Saralyn Richard Who’s up for some amazing libations at an exclusive party? The dictionary definition of “libation” is “a drink poured out as a ritual offering to a deity.” (Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press). Sometimes libations were given as an offering to a god or spirit, often in memory […]


Distractions by Saralyn Richard   I’ve never been diagnosed with ADD or hyperactivity. In fact, my whole life I’ve been able to focus and concentrate whenever needed. I can read for long periods without becoming antsy, and I’m equally good at listening. All of these stand me well in writing novels, because long sessions at […]

Book Trailers By Saralyn Richard   I’m not sure when book trailers became “a thing,” but now the internet is flooded with video teasers that make prospective readers want to buy books in all genres. Some are professionally done; others are created with easy-to-use software, such as Canva, MovieMaker, and VistaCreate. What I like about […]

Dogs as Characters by Saralyn Richard   Those of us who love dogs as much or more than we love people, understand that dogs possess all the qualities of fictional characters. They are intelligent, communicative, emotive, comforting, resourceful, energetic, hard-working, friendly, and sometimes heroic. Less often, some dogs are irritable, withdrawn, mean-spirited, selfish, and sometimes […]

Home, Sweet Home by Saralyn Richard

Home, Sweet Home by Saralyn Richard I live on an island, and there’s a saying around here that when you cross the causeway coming into the island, you leave all your troubles behind. The saying must be true, because everyone I know says they experience something truly spiritual whenever they drive into town. It happens […]

Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech by Saralyn Richard An English major in college, I was required to take courses in Chaucer/medieval lit, Shakespeare, Milton, 18th and 19th century literature, and American literature, among others. Of these, the dreaded subject was Milton, mainly because the brilliant poet and author of Paradise Lost took full advantage of the vast […]