Entries by Saralyn Richard

Fighting the Good Fight

Fighting the Good Fight—For the Arts by Saralyn Richard My first foray into the world of teaching was as an English instructor, and I learned a lot about working with students in a required academic subject.  Several years into that career, I earned a graduate degree in administration, and I switched out of the English […]

Are You a Readaholic?

Are You a Readaholic? by Saralyn Richard   I’m a readaholic, and my addiction began when I was two years old! My mother realized that I was reading, and she encouraged me by taking me to the children’s section of the library and loading me up with all the books allowed for checkout at one […]

Teaching Creative Writing

Teaching Creative Writing By Saralyn Richard I always wanted to be an author, but I was sidetracked into teaching by my parents, who felt writing was not a real job. I didn’t mind that much. I loved teaching, too, and when the opportunity arose for me to teach creative writing to high school students, I […]


by Saralyn Richard   Do good fences make good neighbors? In the past few months, I’ve gained new neighbors on either side of my house. There’s a brand-spanking-new fence between my yard and that of the neighbor to the north. There’s no fence between my yard and that of the neighbor to the south. I […]

Sharing the Spotlight

Sharing the Spotlight by Saralyn Richard   When BAD BLOOD SISTERS came out last March, a book club chose it as its first selection, and invited me to speak. This was no ordinary book club. It was the Elks Lodge #126, and they were fund-raising for the Texas Elks Children’s Services, Inc. So enthusiastic were […]

Always the Season for Kindness

By Saralyn Richard When I was an English I teacher, I assigned my students a “Day of Kindness” paper, based on the Shirley Jackson short story, “One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts.” The resulting papers and speeches led to a powerful discussion of good and evil, and how doing good deeds made the world a better […]


I’m often asked which of my books is my favorite, and I can never answer directly. It’s like picking one of your children over the others. I love every book for its unique qualities, its characters, its relationship to my own life. BAD BLOOD SISTERS is my first book set in my hometown, on an […]

Spotlighting an SG Sister

Having read T.K. Thorne’s House of Rose, and loved it, I’m obsessed with how one person could accomplish so much while excelling at everything. If you want to know, too, read on.   T.K.Thorne has been passionate about storytelling since she was a young girl, and that passion only deepened when she became a police […]