Entries by Saralyn Richard

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  What I’ve Learned about Death Services by Saralyn Richard When I was a senior in high school, I had an English teacher who moonlighted as a mortician. I don’t remember much about the course curriculum, but I have vivid memories of his stories about dead bodies, sitting up while he worked on them. Mr. […]


  BODIES GALORE by Saralyn Richard               This month, it’s my pleasure to interview fellow-Stiletto-Gang-member, Gay Yellen, author of the Samantha Newman Mystery Series: The Body Business and The Body Next Door. While I’ve known Gay for a very long time, I learned a lot from this interview, and […]

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  Libraries By Saralyn Richard                                             Rosenberg Library’s Fox Room I’ve always loved libraries. My mother was a regular patron at the turn-of-the-century library and museum in my hometown, Rosenberg Library, and I remember climbing the marble stairs to the third-floor children’s library, where I […]

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    The MacGuffin by Saralyn Richard   Recently my husband and I binge-watched a collection of Alfred Hitchcock movies, each of which came with bonus material, including commentary from actors and filmmakers involved with its production. As a mystery writer, I found these commentaries almost as fascinating as the movies themselves.             One of […]

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    What’s Happening to the English Language? by Saralyn Richard I’ve wanted to be a writer for as long as I can remember. My parents encouraged me to be an English teacher, instead. So, I spent several decades reading and grading other people’s writing. I even taught journalism and creative writing—to teenagers and later […]

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  Book Clubs with Food, or Food Clubs with Books by Saralyn Richard Last week I was the honored guest (by Zoom) at a book club meeting where my first Detective Parrott Mystery novel was being discussed. MURDER IN THE ONE PERCENT begins with a birthday party at a weekend retreat in the beautiful and […]

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  Marching On! by Saralyn Richard   March is such a brave month! It begins with winds, sometimes with the harshness of winter, and it ends with the first signs of spring. This week, in particular, offers opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate cultural traditions. Sunday was “Pi Day,” Monday was “The Ides of March,” and […]

Welcome to the Gang

Welcome to the Gang by Saralyn Richard Once in a while, a new mystery author puts on her stilettos and joins the crew. The Stiletto Gang is happy to welcome Barbara Kyle, and we know you will enjoy hearing from her on the third Wednesday of each month. Today, I’m sharing an interview with Barbara. […]

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  Let’s Hear It for Virtual Everything! by Saralyn Richard  The year 2020 will go down in history for a lot of negative things, but one silver lining for me has been the proliferation of virtual meetings. Prior to 2020, I had used FaceTime to visit with far-flung family, but in the past year I […]

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Holiday Food Rescue by Saralyn Richard This is the time of year to think about holiday giving, and this year the need is greater than usual for opening our hearts and our pocketbooks to support worthwhile causes. I don’t mean the robotic ones with unavailable numbers, who call on your phones every five minutes. The […]