Entries by Stiletto Gang

True Crime

Jeff Markowitz has written two mysteries for Five Star, A Minor Case of Murder (released in 2006) and It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Murder (coming from Five Star in 2009). He will join Evelyn David, Jack Getze and David Handler on the panel, Laugh or I’ll Kill You: Humorous Mysteries at the New […]

Pollyanna Grows Up

I was flipping through the channels the other day and there it was. A movie that my kids wouldn’t be caught dead watching, but which I am perfectly content, nay happy, to rewatch on an endless loop. It’s not Hitchcock, Scorsese, or Coppola. It’s pure, unadulterated, treacly sweet Disney: Pollyanna starring Hayley Mills. While it […]

On a Wing and a Prayer

“I don’t know what to do.” “I don’t know what to say.” “What can I do?” How many of us have said these same things when we have heard that someone is walking a bumpy road or enduring a trial? The answer is simple. For number 1: pray. For number 2: say a prayer. For […]

Time to Celebrate (for a few short moments)

I typed The End on my latest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery. Of course now I have to do the most important part and that is editing. I’ll wait a couple of days to get started with that. One thing many readers don’t realize, it’ll be about two years before this one is in print. The […]

The Movie or the Book?

I’ve always been one to read the book before seeing the movie or television series spinoff; thus I’m usually disappointed in the movie. There have been exceptions of course. A good actor or actress can tip the scales. My top ten for where the movie or television series was better than the book:1. Jaws – […]

Searching for a Starry Night

Evelyn David interviews Christine Verstraete, author of Searching for a Starry Night. 1. Who is Christine Verstraete? A kid who never grew up! Seriously, I enjoy creating, whether in writing or by doing a hobby like miniatures. I have more ideas in both areas than time to do them! 2. Tell us about Searching for […]

Babies Having Babies

Time magazine reports that 17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting. The moms-to-be are just 16 years old. Some younger. Apparently they made a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. The sperm donors, since I scarcely can call them fathers, include a 24-year-old homeless man. I love being a mother. I […]

The Week in Review

I’m leaving for San Francisco on Saturday and for all of you West-Coasters/Bay Area denizens, please stop by M Is for Mystery in San Mateo, on Sunday, June 29th, at 2:00. I’ll be signing, reading, chatting, and having a great time talking about my second Alison Bergeron mystery, “Extracurricular Activities.” I hope to see you!I’ve […]

Rats, and I do mean rats

In real life these four legged critters with long tails are nothing like the cute little guys in the movie Ratatouille. Near the bathroom that’s being remodeled–a project that ought to be done, but isn’t–there’s a storage closet that juts into the backyard. One of our cats, Squeaky, wanted to go in there in the […]

Watching the Olympics

Two days ago I watched the U.S. Women’s Olympic gymnastic trials. I haven’t kept up with the sport since the last Olympics, so I didn’t recognize any of the competitors. The faces were different; the scoring was different; but the excitement was the same. The Olympics is now on my radar! August will be here […]