Entries by Stiletto Gang

Fresno Dreams

Spring is definitely on its way in Central California. Driving through the foothills is a treat. The hills are covered with wild flowers, whole fields of gold and orange with patches of white and purple. Above the hills you catch glimpses of the snow covered mountains. It’s gorgeous! Hubby and I took in the beauty […]

Tempus Fugit

I had coffee last week with Todd Strasser, a prolific author of a gazillion wonderful books that kids of all ages adore. Like any two authors who meet, we swapped war stories (writers block survival tips, reviews that pierce the soul, clever ideas for how to commit [fictional] murder without being caught — frogs are […]

The Book Matchmaker

Sally MacPherson, an independent bookstore owner from Portland, Oregon guest blogs today. Hi, I’m Sally the book matchmaker. Thanks, Stiletto Gang, for asking me to guest blog! Hmmm. What to say…. Hey, I’m a bookseller. Maybe I should talk about selling books. Better yet, I think I’ll talk about buying books. Recently I came across […]

My Jonquils Are Blooming!

My jonquils are blooming and I’m thinking spring! In Oklahoma it’s generally accepted that after Easter you can start your spring planting without too much worry of another hard freeze damaging young plants. I don’t plant vegetables although each year I consider planting some tomatoes. There is nothing better in this world than a home […]


I live in a village that many consider to be “crunchy”—a term that encompasses our liberal leanings, our “green” ways, the number of writers and artists who dwell here. We got this way after being the settling place for many a communist in the 1920s, and a summer vacation spot for actors and actresses over […]

What’s a Succesful Writer?

This is what I wrote for last week, and just didn’t get it posted. Wow, what a busy week–as usual. I’m working on a ghost writing project which is taking a lot of my time. I’m also judging the fiction part of a writing contest–something I really like to do. In between I’ve given two […]

Down Memory Lane

I’ve been thinking about my sixth grade graduation. Yes, I know it’s been a couple of years, but it’s been on my mind recently. I can clearly picture that sunny June day. At our all-girls parochial school, the graduation attire was a white dress. It was the first time I wore heels, which were essentially […]

I Love Books!!

Our guest blogger today is Tina Jordan, senior editor/book reviewer for Entertainment Weekly. I love books. As a senior editor at Entertainment Weekly—one who writes book reviews and edits book features—I’m immersed in the publishing world, and my office is inundated with galleys and books. My house, too is full of books—great teetering piles in […]

After “The End”

“The End.” The sense of euphoria lasted about 24 hours after the Northern half of Evelyn David typed those magic words. She claimed it was her turn since I’d typed them for Murder Off the Books. What my family and friends all refer to as “The Book” is done. Our manuscript for Murder Takes the […]

T.M.I (too much information)

Sorry about the repeat blog entry last week. I was down for the count with what we will politely call a prolonged case of “gastro-intestinal disturbance.” You know what I’m talking about, right? I don’t have to go into graphic detail, do I? No…because we share the same sensibility, I’m sure, about things that go […]