Entries by Debra


Pens by Debra H. Goldstein There was a time that I wrote everything in longhand. Being left-handed, I had to be careful not to use a pen that allowed me to smear the ink with my pinky. In addition, because I have small hands (I can still wear a child’s sized glove or mitten), the […]

Differences in People and Writing Styles

Differences in People and Writing Styles by Debra H. Goldstein Recently, I flew to Denver for a very special reason: to meet my newest grandson. Because of my March back surgeries, I couldn’t be there within twenty-four hours of his birth. Instead, I had to settle for a few days shy of him being two […]

How Can Writers Help Create a Safer Society for All?

How Can Writers Help Create a Safer Society for All?  by Linda Rodriguez In 2015, Dylann Roof murdered nine innocent people at a church prayer meeting in Charleston, South Carolina, and was later sentenced to death. This brought back the horror of so many racist mass murders before and since. It tied into a concurrent […]

Clicking Our Heels: Author Cravings

Clicking Our Heels: Author Cravings We often hear about food cravings in reference to pregnant women and children, but what authors would die for isn’t usually mentioned. Today, Clicking Our Heels tells you what each of us considers our favorite snack or drink. Bethany Maines – Matcha lattes and chocolate covered almonds. Barbara J. Eikmeier […]

June is Here – And I’m Excited!

June is Here – And I’m Excited! by Debra H Goldstein In the musical, Carousel, the character, Nettie Fowler sings the song, “June is Bustin’ Out All Over,” while preparing for a clambake. The lyrics address the excitement that the month of June, in contrast to March, April, and May, offers in terms of summer, […]

Thanks to the Fire Department!

Thanks to the Fire Department! by Debra H. Goldstein The Irondale Fire Department – four strong and a truck – just left my street. The four firefighters previously had been in my home. They weren’t there because of a fire. Rather, as a community service, they’d responded to my request for help with an upstairs […]

How Best to Make Sure the Books You Love Keep Coming

How Best to Make Sure the Books You Love Keep Coming by Linda Rodriguez Some of the things I’ve learned as a published novelist have turned me into a better fan of my own favorite authors. I’ve written on this blog before about pre-ordering and how I learned of its importance to writers. Instead of […]