Entries by Debra

Listening to the Sound of Words and the Voice of Characters

Listening to the Sound of Words and the Voice of Characters by Debra H. Goldstein I like to talk to myself.  Not quietly in my mind, but out loud. My children cringe and fear the worst when they hear me. Joel ignores my occasional mutterings grateful they aren’t honey do directives.  I have no idea […]

Writing – Bah Humbug and Future Promises

Writing – Bah Humbug and Future Promises by Debra H. Goldstein The holidays are over.  The Christmas music that began playing on my favorite radio station in November has changed back to easy listening.  Although the station will probably have a Christmas in July weekend, it is pretty safe to say the songs, tinsel, advertising, […]

Fiction is Stranger than Truth – Or Is It?

Fiction is stranger than truth – or is it?  by Debra H. Goldstein Writers pull stories out of the air – or at least that’s how it seems. In reality, the seeds of a story may have many origins.  An incident in our lives, an anecdote someone tells us, a line of poetry, chance meetings […]

Marriage Made in Heaven? “Go Blue!” vs. “Roll Tide!”

Marriage Made in Heaven?  “Go Blue!” vs. “Roll Tide!” by Debra H. Goldstein          The University of Michigan was ranked #1 in football the week I moved to Alabama.   The day I walked into my office a new Birmingham colleague asked “who is the top college football coach?  Being a Michigan football […]

Confessing Passions – Offering Fun

Debra H. Goldstein Confessing Passions – Offering Fun  by Debra H. Goldstein I confess to two sinful passions:  shoes and books.  I’m a sucker for any pair of shoes that fit me.  Luckily, size six AAA flat feet that are only comfortable in low heels limit the number of shoes with my name on them.  […]