Entries by Debra

Writing Idiosyncrasies by Debra H. Goldstein

Writing Idiosyncrasies by Debra H. Goldstein I don’t believe in writer’s block, but I do believe certain conditions have to be right for me to be creative. I envy my friends who successfully produce one thousand or more words a day. The ones who explain that if “you don’t put your bottom in the seat, […]

Earworms by Debra H. Goldstein

Earworms by Debra H. Goldstein Last month, I wrote a blog, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite,” for Booklover’s Bench. Besides reacting to the content of the blog, several people “thanked” me for planting the earworm of that song in their minds. For fun, I started doing a little research on musical earworms and wondering why […]

Getting a Life

Getting a Life by Linda Rodriguez Yesterday I just crashed. I slept late. I couldn’t get myself moving on anything I had to do, not this blog post or a manuscript report that’s due, not my usual stint on the WIP, not any of the several business emails I needed to take care of, not […]

Beginning of the Year and I’m Already Tired

Beginning of the Year and I’m Already Tired by Debra H. Goldstein It’s the beginning of 2024, and I’m already tired. How can that be? Aren’t we all supposed to feel invigorated and energetic when the calendar turns over? Theoretically, the old year is fading away and it’s a time of new beginnings, resolutions, and […]

Clicking Our Heels – Our Special Holiday Traditions

Linda Rodriguez – Before the pandemic, we used to gather at my house–in later years, my sister’s house–for a feast and extended-family get-together. We haven’t started anything back up since. I suspect my youngest son, who now lives 3 minutes away, will spend the holidays with us. Bethany Maines – Panic about presents and then […]