Unremarkable Me

by Paula Gail Benson

This week, I received a report from a sinus CT. It contained the line: “The skull is unremarkable.”

I had to think about that, rather like Hamlet contemplating Yorick’s skull in the graveyard scene in Shakespeare’s play.

Sir Laurence Olivier playing Hamlet

To put in context, in Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1, Hamlet and Horatio come upon two gravediggers unearthing bones. When Hamlet learns a particular skull belonged to his father’s jester, Yorick [the famous quote: “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio”], Hamlet asks the skull, “Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?”

So, I sat, wondering if the words in the report were good or bad.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “unremarkable” as “unworthy or unlikely to be noticed.” Synonyms would be common, ordinary, average, typical, or routine. Something encountered in the normal course of events.

Unfortunately, the “un” or “not” context makes the word unremarkable seem unfavorable. There’s nothing wrong with being average or typical, but when you see yourself described on paper, you want to be considered distinguished, unique, and definitely remarkable or at the least memorable.

I researched further and found a guide to Radiology in Plain English, which indicated that “unremarkable” could be found in all types of radiology reports and was a “good thing” meaning “no structural abnormality.” This guide emphasized the words in radiology reports indicated what the radiologists saw. In fact, it pointed out that sometimes “grossly unremarkable” appeared and meant while nothing obvious was seen, the test might be limited for assessing the organ or structure.

So, I decided to be content with my unremarkable skull, maybe even use that as the title for a short story. Except, if I have a character addressing my skull, I plan to have him talking to a CT photo and not the actual cranium.

What do you think? Is “The Unremarkable Skull” a story you might read?

PS—all is going well for me on the sinus front. My doctor will soon do another CT, in which I hope my skull remains unremarkable.

Bethany Maines drinks from an arsenic mug

What to Giveaway

Goodreads Giveaway graphic for Elevator RideIs it good to giveaway a book?

Well, as a recipient of the occasional free book, I will confirm that yes, I think it’s great when authors giveaway books.  However, many authors feel extremely leery of giving away free books. There have been many instances of winners selling books or copying content, so that fear is not unfounded.


However, my philosophy is that while I can’t control the actions of others, I can be a generous person. In other words, haters gonna hate and book pirates are going to book pirate, but I can still put out the kind of energy that I would like to see in the world. Besides, if the four dollars you get from selling an advance print copy of my book is what helps you make it through the day, then take the four bucks.  Piracy of ebooks bugs me far more and is an extensive topic that I won’t get into, but in general once I hand you a print copy, you are free to read it, sell it, or pop it in a little free library.  Just don’t tell me about it.  Unless you loved it.  Then absolutely tell me all about it.  I want to hear every word.

Do you want free books?

Then sign up for Goodreads, Booksweeps, or LibraryThing.  Goodreads is now owned by Amazon, so if you’re trying to boycott or you hate them for their myriad of union busting, author scamming ways (completely understandable), then try Booksweeps or LibraryThing. All three platforms consistently gives away free books in all genres and the odds are far better than the lottery. Booksweeps works directly with authors and is a great place to find your next indie read (they’re my favorite).  Library Thing is a bit clunky, but still fun and Goodreads is also strangely clunky, but somehow has all the snarky vibes of high school and a NYT review.

Elevator Ride Book

Today’s Giveaway

Today I’m sharing my giveaway of the print copies of my forthcoming novel Elevator Ride.  This one available through Goodreads.  The giveaway runs through 3/16.  Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor.

Enter the giveaway!

ENTER HERE: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/406074-elevator-ride

About the book:

Vivian Kaye has been tasked with serving a cease-and-desist letter to Rowan Valkyrie—the most hated tenant in Seattle’s Hoskins building—but when she ambushes the seasoned security professional in the elevator, she ignites a powder keg of tempers and attraction. PREORDER NOW


Bethany Maines is the award-winning author of action-adventure and fantasy tales that focus on women who know when to apply lipstick and when to apply a foot to someone’s hind end. She can usually be found chasing after her daughter, or glued to the computer working on her next novel (or screenplay). You can also catch up with her on TwitterFacebookInstagram, and BookBub.  And don’t forget to check out all the Stiletto Gang authors and books on our BOOK page.

Time for a Change?

There are two kinds of people in this country: those who love Daylight Saving Time, and those who don’t.

There’s a third group, I suppose: those who can’t decide, even though the reality of it has been around for nearly sixty years.

The U.S. tried it twice before, during World Wars I and II, in an attempt to minimize the use of artificial lighting and save fuel for the war effort. That exercise likely lay the seed for its permanent adoption by Congress in the Uniform Time Act of 1966.

And yet today, not all states have approved the legislation. 

Both Hawaii and Arizona (except for the real estate owned by the Navajo Nation) remain on Standard Time year-round. Meanwhile, 20 states have passed laws or resolutions aiming to stop the time change. However, they cannot implement the change without approval from Congress.

The debate lingers on, like an all-day hangover.

Among those in the DST camp: Golfers. The sport’s aficionados are practically ecstatic when the clock rolls back. Earlier evening hours increase playing time on the links, and players tend to hang around the clubhouse longer in the evening, buying drinks and food. Caddies, country clubs, and public courses alike make more money.

So, good for golfers. Not so good for other businesses. It pretty much killed the drive-in movie business. Remember them?

Staying neutral? The nappers.

As a consolation prize to those who still need more sleep this week, there is National Napping Day, first declared in 1999 by a married couple who sought to promote the benefits of a daytime snooze. (No word on whether they napped together or apart.) It’s no coincidence that it falls on the heels of our mandated clock regression.

Nappers are apparently unfazed by the time change. It’s a fact that mid-afternoon naps have been an integral part of most cultures for centuries. In many countries, businesses still close for two afternoon hours, prime time for a little “afternoon delight,” which may or may not include a nap.

Nappers point to numerous studies that tout a 10-20 minute nap as the most effective way to combat midday fatigue. Improvements in alertness, productivity, and mood—along with decreased stress—have all been shown to improve with this type of snooze. There are even guidelines for how to nap productively. Some claim that a pre-Daylight Saving Time nap can avoid any post-time-change blur.


On the other side of the debate are the grumblers, who offer a multitude of objections, such as:

Why try to mess with Time? Mother Nature brings us longer sunlight hours every Spring and Summer without all the fuss and bother of DST. Why force us to reset our non-digital devices in March, only to change them again every Autumn? And where’s the romance in an evening soirée that takes place mostly in daylight? It’s too confusing, and darn it, people hate taking their children to school in the dark!

Also, even though habitual nappers think they have the time-change-induced mind fog licked, napping can leave a person feeling groggy after waking, which makes it harder to get anything productive accomplished for the rest of the day. And it may lead to nighttime insomnia—possibly with regret over things you could have accomplished instead of sleeping.

Which side of DST are you on? For, against, or somewhere in the middle?

Gay Yellen’s award-winning writing career began in magazine journalism. She served as the co-writer/editor for the international thriller, Five Minutes to Midnight(Delacorte), a New York Times “New & Notable.” The success of that book led to her Samantha Newman Romantic Mystery Series.




Photo of Mary Lee Ashford and Anita Carter

Spring Into Meeting Readers

by Sparkle Abbey

spring flowers with blue sky in background

As we dig out from winter here in the Midwest, our thoughts turn to spring. And for us spring brings not only spring flowers and much nicer weather (we hope) but also great opportunities to get out to book events.

It kicks off the season for mystery conferences, such as Left Coast Crime, Malice Domestic, Sleuthfest, and more. And starts out the year’s book festivals like, DSM Book Festival, Suffolk Mystery Authors Festival, Tucson Festival of Books, the LA Times Festival of  Books. As well as many wonderful smaller festivals and events around the country as well as other parts of the world. And those are just the spring get-togethers!

There are so many wonderful book events with chances for us. as authors. to connect with each other. And to meet in person the most important book people. The people who keep us in the business of telling stories – readers.

Sadly, we can’t attend them all and so we have to choose. A choice that can be so difficult. Each one has its own flavor and unique opportunities to connect. Sometimes scheduling makes the decision for us. Other times deadlines or book release dates may be a factor. And at times, the location may impact which ones we can attend.

As we line up our 2025 spring events as well as plan out the rest of 2025, we’d love to hear from you. How do you choose which in-person book events to attend? And what things factor into those decisions?

Photo of Mary Lee Ashford and Anita CarterPlease let us know your thoughts. And, of course, we look forward to seeing you at some of the book events this year!

Sparkle Abbey is actually two people, Mary Lee Ashford and Anita Carter, who write the national best-selling Pampered Pets cozy mystery series. They are friends as well as neighbors so they often get together and plot ways to commit murder. (But don’t tell the other neighbors.)

They love to hear from readers and can be found on Facebook and Pinterest, their favorite social media sites. Also, if you want to make sure you get updates, sign up for their newsletter via the SparkleAbbey.com website


Clicking Our Heels – Our Personal Favorites – Police, Investigators, or Researchers

Clicking Our Heels Featured ImageClicking Our Heels – Our Personal Favorites – Police,  Investigator, or Researchers

Crime fiction writers often depend upon others to make sure our stories are accurate. Today, we talk about police, investigators, or researchers we have encountered who are our favorites – whether real or fictional.

Barbara J. Eikmeier – A conversation with a forensic anthropologist. She knows a lot about markers in bones!

Mary Lee Ashford (1/2 Sparkle Abbey) – The investigator/researcher that I find fascinating is the forensic anthropologist who uses their scientific knowledge to reveal the human side of a victim. It’s fascinating to me that the sum of hard data about a victim can be translated to a more complete picture. And how that can result in perhaps identifying the person.

Judy Penz Sheluk – I love Michael Connelly’s Harry Bosch, but I grew up reading Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct series. In my opinion, he set the gold standard.

Gay Yellen – Hmm… Sara Paretsky’s V.I. Warshawski comes to mind, because she was an early kickass female private investigator that caught on with a legion of fans.

Donalee Moulton – Right now, and in keeping with the times, it would be AI and how AI can be used to provide information about a crime scene. I understand this is the tip of a very big iceberg.

Paula G. Benson – An assistant coroner came to speak to our local SinC chapter. While giving his talk, He received a call about a human skeleton that had been located and needed to be identified. He showed us the photos he was receiving by text and allowed us to determine gender and other factors with him.

Bethany Maines – I don’t write a lot of procedurals, but I’m fascinated by genealogy and I love Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr. I’d love to work a genealogist crime solver into one of my stories.

Debra H. Goldstein – Because I am a Perry Mason fan, it would be Paul Drake.

Donnell Ann Bell – Oh, gosh what a tough question. Steven Kerry Brown, John J. Robinson, Steve Pease, writing as Michael Chandos, Wally Lind, Wesley Harris, Lee Lofland, Kathy Bennett, Robin, Burcell, Brooke Terpening, Katherine Ramsland, Dr. Fred Collins, Chris Herndon, Pete Klismet …I could go on and on…

Saralyn Richard – I write police procedurals, and my investigator is Detective Oliver Parrott. After four novels in the series, Parrott continues to fascinate me. When I first met him, he reminded me of Connolly’s Harry Bosch and Patterson’s Alex Cross. I named him Parrott as a nod to Christie’s Hercule Poirot.

T.K. Thorne – D.P.Lyle is a cardiologist who writes forensic books (as well as his own fiction) to guide writers. He is full of the most interesting information!

Lois Winston – I belong to CrimeSceneWriter. There are experts in every field who answer authors’ questions whether medical, forensic, legal, or technical. I’ve learned quite a bit from these experts, and they’ve kept me from making huge mistakes in my books. It would be impossible to pick just one of them because they’re all such fabulous sources.

Anita Clark (1/2 of Sparkle Abbey) – Well, about 20 years ago we moved into our new house and found a pipe bomb in our backyard. After the bomb squad detonated it, I chatted up the sergeant and invited him to speak at my local writing group. He was a great resource for years until he moved on.




Larceny & Last Chances: Behind the Scenes

Larceny News!

Larceny & Last Chances - On Sale for .99!I received some very good news recently when I learned that Larceny & Last Chances: 22 Stories of Mystery & Suspense, published by my imprint, Superior Shores Press,  had been shortlisted for the 2025 Derringer Award for Best Anthology. For those of you unfamiliar with the Derringer, it’s a bit like the Short Mystery Fiction Society’s “Oscar” but until this year, there was never a category for anthologies. On making the inaugural shortlist, I sort of felt a bit like Ruth Gordon, when she said, “I can’t tell you how encouragin’ a thing like this is.” after winning the Best Actress Award for Rosemary’s Baby.

Ruth Gordon accepting her Oscar in 1969

I’ll admit winning the Award will be a very long shot, but as they say at the Oscars, “it’s an honor just to be nominated.”

Behind the Scenes

For my post today I thought I’d share a behind-the-scenes look at my process when it comes to putting together an anthology:

November 15, 2023: Call for submissions. I set a deadline of February 15 or 80 submissions, whichever came first. There’s good reason for the cap. Authors invariably will tinkle with putting one comma in and taking one comma out until the last minute. Having a cap ensures that they are mindful that they may have a story with nowhere to submit it if the cap is met before the deadline.

February 10, 2024: Submissions close (80 reached).

February 15 to March 13, 2024: Read/reread all stories (I tend to read as they come in and slot as “maybe” or “no.” If it’s a no, I let the author know so they can submit the story elsewhere. I also have a second (and sometimes third) reader for stories which make my long list (maybes).

March 17, 2024: Final selections, authors notified, contracts sent out.

March 20, 2024: Author list announced. Potential reviewers contacted.

March 20 to April 15, 2024: Editing using track changes in Word. This is a collaborative process between author and editor (me) to make the story the best it can be.

April 20, 2024: ARCs (Advance Review Copies in PDF or EPUB format) sent to confirmed reviewers.

May 2024: Finalize cover art (with a nod to my graphic artist, Hunter Martin).

June 2024: A flurry of promotion: blogs, radio spots, podcasts. Authors are paid.

June 18, 2024: Release day (e-book and paperback)

And here’s a bit about the book:

Sometimes it’s about doing the right thing. Sometimes it’s about getting even. Sometimes it’s about taking what you think you deserve. And sometimes, it’s your last, best, chance. Edited by Judy Penz Sheluk and featuring stories by Christina Boufis, John Bukowski, Brenda Chapman, Susan Daly, Wil A. Emerson, Tracy Falenwolfe, Kate Fellowes, Molly Wills Fraser, Gina X. Grant, Karen Grose, Wendy Harrison, Julie Hastrup, Larry M. Keeton, Charlie Kondek, Edward Lodi, Bethany Maines, Gregory Meece, Cate Moyle, Judy Penz Sheluk, KM Rockwood, Kevin R. Tipple, and Robert Weibezahl.

PS: It’s on sale from $5.99 USD / $6.99 CAD to .99 on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and B&N in U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand. Find it at www.books2read.com/larceny

“The 72” by T.K. Thorne

How Concerned White Citizens Marched in Selma Before Bloody Sunday

A small thing made all of human civilization possible. It is often overlooked and undervalued, but it is so much a part of our lives that we don’t pay much attention to it. We did it even before we developed language, and we still do it. It is a deep part of who we are as a species, and it is so powerful that it can change everything.

What is it? What made human civilization possible?



Author Lois Winston on Cozy Mystery Books vs. the Mind-boggling World of Minecraft

By Lois Winston

Image by InoxyBuild from Pixabay

There was a time when I enjoyed fantasy, science fiction, and even some horror. The summer before ninth grade, I discovered The Lord of the Rings trilogy and read all three books within a few weeks. The books of Ira Levin, Arthur C. Clarke, and Tom Tryon filled my spare time throughout high school and into college, in-between assigned literary works like Moby Dick and The Bell Jar.

I also like to think that I have a decent knowledge of current events and trends, although I have no interest in following most of those trends. I can still kill it on Jeopardy most nights, though I’ll admit, the answers aren’t coming at the same rapid speed they once did. The brain is a muscle, and with the inevitability of growing old, all muscles, no matter how much you exercise them, start slowing down with age.

But then there’s Minecraft. My eight and ten-year-old grandsons are obsessed with it. They play it as much as they’re allowed, and when they’ve used up their screen time for the day, they either read Minecraft books or talk about Minecraft incessantly.

And I just don’t get it. Not their obsession. I get obsessions. I had plenty of my own throughout childhood and even into adulthood. My obsessions haven’t ceased. I recently became obsessed with West Wing, a show I had never watched back in the day, but I spent hours binge-watching the entire seven seasons in the autumn and early winter of 2024.

What I don’t get is Minecraft. I’ve tried. I’ve watched my grandsons play and listened to their explanation of the rules. I’ve read aloud chapters in their Minecraft books. But try as I might, I can’t wrap my brain around what strikes me as very random and odd rules concerning assorted worlds, cauldrons, emeralds, ores, ender dragons, wizards, witches, elder guardians, blocky animals, trees that don’t look like trees, and mining fatigue. And those are just a few of the oddities. It’s enough to make my head spin. It really bothers me that I seem completely incapable, even after hours of tutelage, of grasping the most rudimentary aspects of Minecraft. 😵‍💫

Perhaps Minecraft makes perfect sense to the pre-pubescent brain because they’re more open to wonderous possibilities. After all, they still believe in Santa Claus. It’s probably best that I stick to my own imaginary world of the Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries. The murder and mayhem I throw at my reluctant amateur sleuth in my cozy mystery books makes far more sense to me than the pixelated world of Minecraft ever will.

What about you? Is there something about modern culture or trends that leaves you stymied and scratching your head? Post a comment for a chance to win a promo code for a free download of any of the currently available Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery audiobooks.


USA Today and Amazon bestselling author Lois Winston began her award-winning writing career with Talk Gertie to Me, a humorous fish-out-of-water novel about a small-town girl going off to the big city and the mother determined to bring her home to marry the boy next door. That was followed by the romantic suspense Love, Lies and a Double Shot of Deception.

Then Lois’s writing segued unexpectedly into the world of humorous amateur sleuth mysteries, thanks to a conversation her agent had with an editor looking for craft-themed mysteries. In her day job, Lois was an award-winning craft and needlework designer, and although she’d never written a mystery—or had even thought about writing a mystery—her agent decided she was the perfect person to pen a series for this editor.

Thus, was born the Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mysteries, which Kirkus Reviews dubbed “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” The series now includes fourteen novels and three novellas. Lois also writes the Empty Nest Mysteries and has written several standalone mystery novellas. Other publishing credits include romance, chick lit, and romantic suspense novels, a series of romance short stories, a children’s chapter book, and a nonfiction book on writing, inspired by her twelve years working as an associate at a literary agency. Her latest release is Seams Like the Perfect Crime, the fourteenth Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery.

Learn more about Lois and her books at www.loiswinston.com where you can find links for her other social media sites and sign up for her newsletter to receive a free download of an Anastasia Pollack Mini-Mystery.

Sisterhood of the Traveling Book featured image

Sisterhood of the Traveling Book: Assault with a Deadly Glue Gun

By Lois Winston

For my first Sisterhood of the Traveling Book post, I’m reaching back to 2012 for the best promo ever.

The Underground New York Public Library is a photo series by photographer Ourit Ben-Haim. It features riders who are reading while waiting for a train or traveling on one throughout the New York subway system. As you can see from the screen capture, photos are posted on the site along with information about the books and links for liking and sharing. This photo was originally taken on March 11, 2012, fourteen months after the debut of Assault with a Deadly Glue Gun, the first book in my Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery Series. Imagine the thrill I received when the photographer emailed me a copy of the photo. Of course, I framed the photo and have it displayed in my office.

Now, fast-forward fourteen years from the January 2011 series debut to this month, which saw the release of Seams Like the Perfect Crime, the fourteenth book in the series.


USA Today and Amazon bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, and children’s chapter books. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is a former literary agent and an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry. Learn more about Lois and her books at her website www.loiswinston.com. Sign up for her newsletter to receive a free Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mini-Mystery.

Happy Dancing – With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying

Happy Dancing – With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying by Debra H. Goldstein

I’m happiest writing when I’m sitting in front of a toasty fire or positioned to stare at a body of water. Both are calming to me. The result is that the words tend to flow.

Sometimes, though, a roaring fire may simply be a means to create heat or a makeshift dinner. That is the fire’s purpose on the cover of my recently released short story collection, With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying. The story that the title and cover photo are from is called “So Beautiful or So What.” It originally appeared in Paranoia Blue: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Songs of Paul Simon. My story involves a tent city, homeless people, and undercover policemen. It is one of the two grittier stories in the book.

Most of the stories featured in With Our Bellies Full and the Fire Dying are lighter fare. For example, “Thanksgiving in Moderation” tells what happens at a Thanksgiving dinner when a member of a family’s fifth groom-to-be keels over during the meal. Rather than showing the underbelly of humanity, this story highlights humor.

I was excited when White City Press, a division of Misti Media LLC, opted to publish this collection of eighteen of my older stories that, for the most part, either won writing competition prizes or were finalists for the Agatha, Anthony, or Derringer awards. Many people know me for the seven novels published during the past decade but aren’t aware that more than fifty of my short stories have appeared in periodicals, anthologies, or online.

That’s why it is a joy to share this collection with readers who are familiar with my work and those who are new to it. Whether you ask your library to obtain a copy of the book for you or purchase one yourself, I hope you will enjoy reading these crime fiction tales.

Buy Links:
White City Press (publisher giving a print discount and free shipping): https://whitecitypress.com/product/fire/MM/8
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Our-Bellies-Full-Fire-Dying/dp/1963479688
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/with-our-bellies-full-and-the-fire-dying-debra-h-goldstein/1146836374?ean=9781963479683