Book cover of Murder at Glenloch Hill

Special Guest – Historical Mystery Author, Clara McKenna

by Sparkle Abbey

Today we welcome a very special guest to the blog –  our friend and fellow Iowa author Clara Mckenna who is has a fantastic release coming out later this month, Murder at Glenloch Hill.  More about that later.

First, we had some questions for Clara about her writing journey, her process, and more.  

Author Photo Clara McKennaBefore we get started with our questions, tell our readers a little about yourself. Maybe start with where you live, where you’re from, what you do beside writing, etc. Whatever you’d like to share.

I live in a Victorian farmhouse on the outskirts of Ames, Iowa, though I grew up in Upstate New York. I’m passionate about travel, which I do both for fun and to research my books (Why else would I set one of my series in the UK?). I love to hike, whether in a local park or in the Highlands of Scotland. Since there aren’t any tearooms nearby, I also enjoy hosting afternoon tea at home, using my ever-growing collection of vintage teacups, which I use daily and are not just for display.

And now to the questions.

What started you on your writing journey?

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. I like to say I started with handmade greeting cards when I was four. I would always include original prose or a verse inside. I eventually graduated to poems, short stories, even a historical play when I was 12. I continued to write poetry throughout high school and college, having a few published in my college literary magazine. But it wasn’t until I’d changed careers twice as an adult, did I finally write a novel. And that, A Lack of Temperance, was my first published book.

What do you write? And why did you choose that genre or sub-genre?

I write what I like to call historical cozy mysteries. I have two series, the Hattie Davish Mysteries that follows a late 19th century American secretary who solves crime in every historic town she visits and the Stella & Lyndy Mystery series about an unlikely duo who mix love, murder, and horseracing in Edwardian England.

I chose the historical mystery sub-genre because I wanted to combine my love of mysteries with my passion for history. If I’m going to spend my whole day writing something, I want to love it as much as I hope my readers do.

What’s your favorite part of writing?

My favorite part of writing comes when I’m completely immersed in the story. Often, I’ll be so engrossed in the writing that I lose complete track of time, space, everything. I’m in the world I’ve created and when the words are flowing, there’s nothing like it. And since my mysteries are set in the early days of the 20th century, for me, it’s the closest I’ll ever get to a time machine.

And what’s your least favorite part of writing?

My least favorite part is the time required for me to write a book start to finish. It takes me a month to plot my books, two months to write a very rough draft, six months to edit my rough draft and two months to polish everything up. I’d love to write two books a year but until I figure out a way to edit faster (I’m looking at you, synonyms), I’ll only be able to publish one book a year.

How much do you plan before you start a book?

Since I write historical novels, and because my publishing editor requires that I submit an outline for his approval, I have quite a bit to do before I can start. My planning process has two aspects – an outline and historical research.

I start by creating a detailed scene-by-scene outline, which includes all the necessary plot elements like clues and red herrings. I then research the historical context – the topic, setting, and anything else that comes up from my outline. This ensures my plot is historically accurate and appropriate. Based on my research, I then adjust my outline as needed.

That being said, in the world of plotter versus pantser, I’m a “plantser.” I plot extensively upfront but remain flexible as I continue to research and write.

Where do your very best ideas come from?

My best ideas always come from when I visit the location of the book. When I do a site visit, I not only take in the sights, sounds and smells of a place, I do extensive research in local libraries, museum, and archives. Every time I come away with an array of plot elements, characters, and detail that I wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. Who knew the New Forest had its own resident “snake catcher?”

What part of writing is the most difficult for you to write? Characters? Conflict? Emotion? Something else?

This may sound funny, but I struggle with writing humor. If I try to intentionally include humor, it always backfires and falls flat. Instead, I just write and hope it emerges organically in the right places at the right time.

And also smell – I never think to include it. Might have something to do with my poor sense of smell? I don’t know, but I always have to intentionally add it at the end.

What’s next? Tell us about your next book and when it will be published.

Book cover of Murder at Glenloch HillThanks for asking! My next book is MURDER AT GLENLOCH HILL, the 6th in the Stella & Lyndy Mystery series. It releases on November 26, 2024. Stella and Lyndy take a weekend trip to Scotland to visit her distant kin’s country estate and, as the blurb on the back of the book says, “learn how sinister bad sportsmanship can be when a prestigious golf tournament becomes a deadly game of murder…” Sounds pretty good, don’t you think?

We think so!  Thanks for stopping by, Clara. We’ve already pre-ordered our copies and can’t wait to read more of Stella & Lyndy’s story. 

For a complete list of Clara’s books, visit her website at:

And to connect with her, you can find you on Facebook, Instagram, and BookBub with the following links:




What’s on Your Nightstand?

By Lois Winston

I’m an extremely eclectic reader. There are a few genres I don’t read because they turn me off. My apologies to the vampire and werewolf fans out there, but I just don’t get the allure of falling for someone who wants to drain me of my blood or sup on my entire body.

I used to read a wide range of science fiction and fantasy, everything from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to Arthur C. Clark’s Space Odyssey series to the Harry Potter books. At one point in my life, I devoured books by Leon Uris and James Mitchener, then Michael Crichton.

These days, though, besides reading books by other cozy authors, I find myself drawn to novels featuring historical people, women’s fiction, literary fiction, and books that cross genres. For my post today, I thought I’d tell you about some of my recent reads, all in different genres, and what I enjoyed about them.

The Unexpected Mrs. Polifax by Dorothy Gilman

I don’t know how I didn’t know about this series of books, but I’m so happy I stumbled upon them. Mrs. Polifax is a New Jersey widow who walks into the CIA one day and offers her services as a spy. Surprisingly, they take her up on it! And that’s the start of a very entertaining book featuring an extremely endearing character. The author wrote fourteen books in the Mrs. Polifax series before her death at the age of eighty-eight in 2012. I’ve already started the second one.




The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

If a book doesn’t draw me in by the third chapter, I won’t waste any more time on it. There are too many books to read and not enough leisure hours in my day. Even so, there are books I finish but soon forget. Then there’s The Dutch House. I first picked this book up because it takes place in a town where I went to college and later lived for several decades. But I kept reading because the author is so adept at crafting both characters and plot.




11/22/63 by Stephen King

I bought this book several years ago but just got around to reading it this summer. At 880 pages, it’s quite intimidating and requires a huge commitment of time. Because I don’t care for horror stories, I’d never read anything by King other than his book on writing. However, I’m old enough to remember the day Kennedy was shot, and the concept about a man who goes back in time to prevent the assassination fascinated me. I flew through it, unable to put the book down until my eyelids grew heavy each night.



The Colony Club by Shelley Noble

Disclaimer: the author is a dear friend, and I was lucky enough to read this book prior to publication. Daisy Harriman, one of the main characters in the book, was a real person. When she requested a room for the night at the Waldorf Hotel, she was turned away because she wasn’t accompanied by her husband. Appalled by her treatment, she set out to change history, creating The Colony Club, the first woman’s club of its kind in not only New York but the world. The novel also incorporates other historical people of the Gilded Age, including Stanford White, who designed the building, and actress-turned-interior designer Elsie de Wolfe, who decorated the Colony Club’s rooms. The author is a meticulous historian who creates a richly accurate depiction of the times, especially in the treated of women, making the book extremely au courant for today’s readers.

What’s on your nightstand? Post a comment for a chance to win a promo code for a free download of any one of the first ten audiobooks in my Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery Series.


USA Today and Amazon bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is a former literary agent and an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry. Learn more about Lois and her books at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter and follow her on various social media sites.


My new novel, The Underground Murders, was released yesterday, July 1, 2024. Do you write (or read) political novels? Or novels that contain even a bit of a political message? Or novels that address societal concerns? Or novels that are pure entertainment? I chose the subject of my latest novel with the intent of speaking out against the direction in which our country headed and knowing there would be backlash. I’ve already received a tongue lashing from one of my advance readers. I’m hoping she, at least, gave some thought to the issue, that her mind, which probably wouldn’t be opened, would get a small crack. Since the book only arrived on the scene yesterday, I’m waiting to see who else protests.

In some of my novels in the past, I’ve included (in addition to murder) gambling addiction, false allegations of child abuse, child trafficking, greed, adultery, characters with a sense of entitlement, judicial corruption, mental illness, theft—well, basically, my characters breaking all Ten Commandments!

History is replete with nursery rhymes that have been interpreted as political commentary or as a rendering of historical events. At many authors give their interpretations of historical pieces. I particularly liked Author Lucinda Brant’s Part Two about nursery rhymes including “Georgy Porgy” and “Jack and Jill.”

Fairy tales were another way authors expressed themselves. A nice piece that discusses how fairy tales can be used as teaching tools today can be found at There is also discussion about how they form the basis for so many current books and movies.

At, there is a book review of Buried Treasures: The Political Power of Fairy Tales by Jack Zipes. Zipes discusses social ills, to put it mildly, and who the authors often were.

I’m a fan of John Sandford and his “Prey” novels. I was pleased to find he addressed environmental problems in his latest novel Toxic Prey, where the protagonists hunt down a mad scientist who believes the violent actions he intends to take will save the planet

It’s 2024 in the U.S. So far we still have the right to free speech. For the most part, we have the right to write what we want, unlike authors in some countries and those in history. I believe it’s my duty to address modern society’s ills. Though there is no guarantee what I write will be read, I fully intend to continue to write as my conscience dictates. If only a few readers will have their eyes opened, I will have accomplished my goal.

Susan P. Baker is a retired family court judge from Texas and the author of 15 published books. You may read more about her at