Mystery Short Story Nominations

by Paula Gail Benson

It’s that time of year when nominations are announced. Mystery short stories have categories in the Mystery Writers of America’s Edgars (for best short story and the Robert L. Fish award for best first short story), the Agathas given at Malice Domestic, and the Thrillers presented at Thrillerfest. Following are the nominees. The Agathas have links so you can read the stories–just click on the link. Notice how many nominations are for Amazon original stories. Congratulations to all those nominated!

Mystery Writers of America Edgar Nominations for:


“CUT AND THIRST,” Amazon Original Stories by Margaret Atwood (Amazon Publishing)
“EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK,” Amazon Original Stories by Liv Constantine (Amazon Publishing)
“EAT MY MOOSE,” Conjunctions: 82, Works & Days by Erika Krouse (Bard College)
“BARRIERS TO ENTRY,” Amazon Original Stories by Ariel Lawhon (Amazon Publishing)
“THE ART OF CRUEL EMBROIDERY,” Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine – July-August 2024 by Steven Sheil (Dell Magazine)

ROBERT L. FISH MEMORIAL AWARD – Endowed by the family of Robert L. Fish.

“THE LEGEND OF PENNY AND THE LUCK OF THE DRAW CASINO,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, May-June 2024 by Pat Gaudet (Dell Magazines)
“HEAD START,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, September-October 2024 by Kai Lovelace (Dell Magazines)
“MURDER UNDER SEDATION,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, March-April 2024 by Lawrence Ong (Dell Magazines)
“THE JEWS ON ELM STREET,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, September-October 2024 by Anna Stolley Persky (Dell Magazines)
“SPARROW MAKER,” Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, November-December 2024 by Jake Stein (Dell Magazines)


Malice Domestic Agatha Nominations:


“A MATTER OF TRUST” by Barb Goffman, Three Strikes–You’re Dead

“REYNISFJARA” by Kristopher Zgorski, Mystery Most International

“SATAN’S SPIT” by Gabriel Valjan, Tales of Music, Murder and Mayhem: Bouchercon 2024

“SINS OF THE FATHER” by Kerry Hammond, Mystery Most International

“THE POSTMAN ALWAYS FLIRTS TWICE” by Barb Goffman, Agatha and Derringer Get Cozy


Thrillerfest Thriller Nominations:


NOT A DINNER PARTY PERSON by Stefanie Leder (Soho Crime)

DOUBLE PARKED by Twist Phelan (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine)

JACKRABBIT SKIN by Ivy Pochoda (Amazon Original Stories)

THE DOLL’S HOUSE by Lisa Unger (Amazon Original Stories)


Unremarkable Me

by Paula Gail Benson

This week, I received a report from a sinus CT. It contained the line: “The skull is unremarkable.”

I had to think about that, rather like Hamlet contemplating Yorick’s skull in the graveyard scene in Shakespeare’s play.

Sir Laurence Olivier playing Hamlet

To put in context, in Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1, Hamlet and Horatio come upon two gravediggers unearthing bones. When Hamlet learns a particular skull belonged to his father’s jester, Yorick [the famous quote: “Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio”], Hamlet asks the skull, “Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? your songs? your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?”

So, I sat, wondering if the words in the report were good or bad.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “unremarkable” as “unworthy or unlikely to be noticed.” Synonyms would be common, ordinary, average, typical, or routine. Something encountered in the normal course of events.

Unfortunately, the “un” or “not” context makes the word unremarkable seem unfavorable. There’s nothing wrong with being average or typical, but when you see yourself described on paper, you want to be considered distinguished, unique, and definitely remarkable or at the least memorable.

I researched further and found a guide to Radiology in Plain English, which indicated that “unremarkable” could be found in all types of radiology reports and was a “good thing” meaning “no structural abnormality.” This guide emphasized the words in radiology reports indicated what the radiologists saw. In fact, it pointed out that sometimes “grossly unremarkable” appeared and meant while nothing obvious was seen, the test might be limited for assessing the organ or structure.

So, I decided to be content with my unremarkable skull, maybe even use that as the title for a short story. Except, if I have a character addressing my skull, I plan to have him talking to a CT photo and not the actual cranium.

What do you think? Is “The Unremarkable Skull” a story you might read?

PS—all is going well for me on the sinus front. My doctor will soon do another CT, in which I hope my skull remains unremarkable.

The Five Languages of Love

by Paula Gail Benson

On Valentine’s Day, I learned something. I was reading Cynthia Ruchti’s message in the Guideposts devotional book Mornings with Jesus 2025. Ruchti wrote about caring for her husband when he was debilitated during an illness. She found that some of the more difficult tasks required all her strength. At times, she had to tell her husband she “could not speak to him in all 5 languages of love” that day.

Ruchti challenged her readers to look up the 5 languages, so I did. They have been identified by Gary Chapman in his book, The Five Languages of Love: the Secret to Love that Lasts.

According to Wikipedia, Gary D. Chapman is an author, radio host, and counselor on the staff of Calvary Baptist Church in Winston Salem, North Carolina (since 1971). Amazon lists him having 11 books on the subject, including ones focused on children, teenagers, men, singles, work relationships, apologies, and how God shows love to people.

Chapman identified the 5 languages as:

Touch—physical connection, caress, kiss, intimacy

Words of Affirmation—praise, kindness, recognition

Acts of Service—providing aid, taking on another’s obligation, relieving a burden

Receiving Gifts—presents, items the other person needs or wants, unexpected and delightful surprises

Quality Time—focus on someone through attention, eye contact, listening, and seeking to understand

Gary D. Chapman–Photo from Wikipedia

I began to wonder about stories that might spring from the ability or inability to communicate with these languages. I could imagine humorous situations that could arise from trying, but failing to offer the needed words, acts, gifts, or quality time. Just as an example, consider O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” But, I wondered, how could you miss on touch?

Then, it occurred to me. Medical conditions affect the ability to express and enjoy touch. What are conditions when we lose our sense of touch? Neuropathy? Loss of arms or legs, which would generally be used to embrace or caress? Perhaps a person would have to figure out how to touch another using a feather, cloth, or brush? The importance would be more to the person receiving the touch rather than the person giving it.

As I considered it, I realized the focus in all these languages is upon the pleasure they offer the recipient. Seeing the receiver’s satisfaction is what should lead to the giver’s happiness.

Which of the 5 languages did you give or receive on Valentine’s Day? How might you write about them in a story?

A New Year and a New Anthology

by Paula Gail Benson

Happy new year to all! I hope your reading and writing is bringing you much joy.

I’ve written before about belonging to the Lowcountry Romance Writers (LRWA, a chapter of the Romance Writers of America). I’ve continued to be a member, even though it is based in Charleston, S.C. and I live in Columbia, because its membership is so delightful, and its programs and projects offer some great opportunities to learn and practice the craft of romance writing.

Even though I have a few romantic short stories to my publication credit, I don’t consider myself primarily a romance author. My concentration lies more with mystery stories.

I do have great admiration for romance authors in their ability to work out unique stories following a fairly-well defined and expected structure. I also really appreciate their tremendous expertise in marketing their work. Not to mention that reading a good romance about fascinating characters facing strong, realistic challenges is a wonderful fictional diversion because you can always count on a happy ending.

For the previous two anthologies, I’ve enjoyed working on time travel stories. In Love in the Lowcountry, Volume One, my characters journey to Charleston of the 1930’s. My story in Volume Two has modern characters interacting with those living during President George Washington’s visit to Charleston.

For the upcoming Volume Three, which must involve a South Carolina vacation, I followed up on the antagonists featured in my story from Volume One. How do two very disagreeable folks redeem themselves and find they might have their own love story?

Are you a fan of Bill Murray’s movie Groundhog Day? Well, picture the former antagonists having to relive fifteen-minute time loops, each period taking them further back in history. Combine that with a connection to Edgar Allan Poe’s military service on Sullivan’s Island and you have my new story, “Poe Substitute.”

Please watch for news of Volume Three, which will be released in early March 2025. I’ll be bringing you additional updates as the time for publication approaches.

If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll check out our previous Love in the Lowcountry (A Winter Holiday Collection Book 1) (now available on Amazon Kindle for only $1.99—14 great stories!) and Love in the Lowcountry Volume 2: A Winter Holiday Collection (also available on Amazon Kindle for only $1.99—11 great stories). And don’t forget to celebrate with our LRWA authors the release of Volume Three in March 2025!

Looking Back and Peering Forward

by Paula Gail Benson

As I reach the end of this year, I take stock of the many changes that have taken place in my life. I’ve mourned the loss of family and friends. I thanked our Pastor for including an extra candle at our All Saints’ Day commemoration to recognize those who were not members of our congregation but who were remembered in our hearts.

I’ve experienced change in my work, in the lives of my family and friends, and in the organizations to which I belong. As things develop, they bring challenges. Just as we figure out how to cope, we often see the circle coming around so that something from the past returns to sustain us.

For me, that happened this year when I reconnected with former classmates at a high school reunion. A few of us stayed late and gathered on a porch away from the music and crowd, so we could spend time talking and catch up with each other. We found we were still the people we remembered ourselves to be, and that was very comforting.

I remain grateful, when confronted with future uncertainty, that I can still rely on the past to give me hope. I am grateful that even with losses, I can celebrate discoveries.

My high school friends and I have been able to get together since our reunion. We plan to continue to do so. I look forward to our remaining close and having many new adventures.

At this time for reflection, I hope your moments of rejoicing may outweigh those of sadness and regret. May you find yourself looking forward to happiness.

Wishing you all the best of holiday seasons.

Anthologies (and Ghost Stories) for the Holidays

by Paula Gail Benson

For today’s short story post, I want to tell you about two new short story anthologies and an annual “Drabble” (100-word story) tradition that celebrates the “haunted” aspect of the holidays!

Two new short story anthologies have been recently released. The Capitol Crimes chapter of Sisters in Crime featured fifteen authors in FARM TO FOUL PLAY. The Bethlehem Writers Group’s holiday-based SEASON’S READINGS has twenty-one stories from its members and from winners of its 2023 and 2024 short story contests.

Here’s the information about these anthologies from their Amazon descriptions. Please consider adding them to your “to-be-read” lists!

Farm to Foul Play: 2024 Capitol Crimes Anthology


Edited by Jennifer K. Morita. Forward by Tori Eldridge: “. . . if you want to understand a community, home cooking and agriculture is often the best place to begin.”


Sacramento, California, lies at the heart of the largest agricultural producer in the nation. Known as the Farm-to-Fork Capital of America, this beautiful region produces hundreds of crops each year and has become recognized as a great restaurant city thanks to the chefs who use locally-grown, locally-sourced ingredients.


Fifteen amazing authors — William Bishop, Sarah Bresniker, Chris Dreith, Susan Egan, Elaine Faber, Karen Harrington, Debra Henry, Virginia V. Kidd, Karen A. Phillips, Brian Shea, Linda Joy Singleton, Darrell Smith, Joanna Vander Vlugt, Nick Webster, and Dänna Wilberg — have captured the bounty of all Sacramento has to offer … with a little mayhem thrown in.


Expert judges selected fifteen stories by Capitol Crimes members, who captured the bounty of all Sacramento has to offer … with a little mayhem thrown in.



Season’s Readings: More Sweet, Funny, and Strange Holiday Tales (A Sweet, Funny, and Strange Anthology)

Edited by Marianne H. Donley and Carol L. Wright.


In this new addition to the “Sweet, Funny, and Strange”(R) series of anthologies, the multi-award-winning Bethlehem Writers Group, LLC, returns to its roots. As denizens in and around Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (also known as “Christmas City, USA”), we were happy to make our first anthology a collection of holiday tales. But one volume just wasn’t enough. Now, in our eighth anthology, we’re returning to the theme to bring you twenty-one new stories that span the holidays from Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve.


Emwryn Murphy’s sweet tale tells about a chosen family’s “Friendsgiving,” crashed by a blood relative who might, or might not, be happy with what he sees in “As Simple as That.” Jerome W. McFadden once again reveals his humorous side in his story about a would-be Santa who gets into trouble in “Flue Shot.” A. E. Decker shares an intricate Christmas fantasy about “The Goblin King’s Music Box.” And Paula Gail Benson gives a new twist to a traditional symbol for the New Year in “Star of the Party.” Beyond these holidays, Diane Sismour writes about Krampusnacht, Debra H. Goldstein about Pearl Harbor Day, and Peter J Barbour about Hanukkah. Other favorite BWG authors, including Jeff Baird, Ralph Hieb, D.T. Krippene, Christopher D. Ochs, Dianna Sinovic, Kidd Wadsworth, and Carol L. Wright, also share their holiday musings.


In addition, this volume includes the 2023 and 2024 award-winning stories from the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable Short Story Awards. Sally Milliken, the 2023 first-place winner, presents “The First Thanksgiving.” From 2024, we have our top three winners with first-place winner Rhonda Zangwill’s “Oh! Christmas Tree,” second-place winner Bettie Nebergall’s “Just Ask Santa,” and third-place winner Mary Adler’s “Narragansett Nellie and the Transferware Platter.”

One more note: Loren Eaton is again hosting his Advent Ghosts 100-word stories beginning on Saturday, December 14 and connected through his blog I SAW LIGHTNING FALL. If you are interested in contributing, here are the rules:

  1. Email Loren at ISawLightningFall [at] proton [dot] me if you want to participate. (Please note that this is a different email address from previous years.)
  2. Pen a story that’s exactly 100-words long—no more, no less.
  3. Post the story to your blog anywhere from Saturday, December 14, to Friday, December 20. Hosting on ISLF is available for those without blogs or anyone who wants to write under a pseudonym. (Don’t worry, you’ll retain copyright!)
  4. Email the link of your story to me.
  5. While you should feel free to write whatever you want to, know that Loren reserves the right to put a content warning on any story he thinks needs it.

If you haven’t read the collected stories, here’s the link to check them out:

An Interview with Raegan Teller

I met Raegan Teller through our local Sisters in Crime Palmetto Chapter. In fact, Raegan and I were two of the founding members of the chapter. Since that time, she has independently published seven Enid Blackwell mysteries, marketing them herself through personal appearances at unique festivals and events, most of which are not focused on books. In addition, she has written numerous short stories and organized local Noir at the Bar programs.

Raegan, it’s a great pleasure to have you here at The Stiletto Gang to tell us about your writing journey.

If you have not already read Raegan Teller’s work, add it to your “to be read” list. You’ll truly enjoy it and find it’s an excellent holiday gift!

                                                                        Paula Gail Benson

Raegan Teller

Q: What was your earliest memory of wanting to be an author?

RT: I began reading mysteries as a young girl: Nancy Drew, Trixie Belton, and then later Agatha Christie, Daphne Du Maurier, Victoria Holt, and Phyllis Whitney. Those were the mystery authors the library carried. And like most avid readers, I dreamed of writing my own novels one day. But it was just a pipe dream for most of my life.

Q: Your work experiences have shaped your writing. Tell us about your background and how it helped or found its way into your stories.

RT: I worked for a Fortune 100 company for most of my working life. I held numerous positions and roles, but the ones I enjoyed most were those with a lot of writing involved. But working for a large insurance company, I also investigated auto and other accidents, took statements from accident witnesses, and much more. When I left that company after 20+ years, I started my own management consulting company and found myself doing a lot of writing for my clients. I particularly enjoyed writing white papers because they are just another form of storytelling. I also did some editing work for clients. While my dream of writing a mystery got buried somewhere along the way, little did I realize that all those experiences would help me write mysteries. And my main character, Enid Blackwell, mirrors a lot of my own frustrations with large corporations. All of my work and life experiences have contributed in some way to my stories.

Q: In developing your craft, you studied a number of places with wonderful instructors. Tell us about your journey to becoming a fiction writer.

RT: I’m laughing as I respond to this question because my journey was rocky. First of all, while I was an experienced business writer and editor, I had never written fiction. The goal of business writing is to make sure all questions are answered and that you keep yourself and your feelings out of your writing. I was good at that. But when I tried to write fiction, I was baffled when it came to diving into my emotions and letting them feed by stories, or how to hide information from readers. Worse yet was allowing myself to mislead the readers with red herrings—false clues. Writing fiction was the total opposite of what I knew how to do, and it was maddening! So I took a number of workshops from writing experts around the country. One was Jerry Cleaver, who wrote Immediate Fiction and taught classes at The Writers’ Loft in Chicago. I quickly became annoyed with him, even though he was right. I can still hear him repeatedly saying “add more conflict.” As acclaimed as he was, his teaching style just never clicked for me—but I did learn to add more conflict! I also took a few workshops with Donald Maas (Writing the Breakout Novel), where I learned that my first novel would not be a breakout by his definition. At some point in my journey, I saw an advertisement for Alan Watt’s LA Writers Lab. He believed you should quickly write a novel in 90 Days and clean it up later. And I actually did finish a draft of my first novel in 90 days. (I’ve kept it to remind me how awful my writing can be.) But Watt clicked with me for reasons other than writing quickly, and I ended up doing individual coaching and numerous workshops with him. I loved how he taught story structure and made it less intimidating. He is a screenwriter, so I learned to visualize my story as I wrote. Like Cleaver, Watt offered me a constant reminder, but his was “go deeper.” By far, Watt was the most influential instructor I worked with. With his coaching, I produced the final version of my first novel, Murder in Madden, after three years of trial and error. (I wrote the second novel in eight months.)

Q: You base your novels on cold cases and pending court matters. How did you decide the subject matter for each of your novels?

RT: My novels are inspired by, rather than based on, real-life crimes and events, that either happened near me or just resonated with me in some way. The genesis of my series was the murder of my husband’s seventeen-year-old cousin, who disappeared from a bus stop in Columbia, SC, in 1990. Several days later, they found her body but no has ever been charged with the murder. I wanted to write a non-fiction book about her with the message that we shouldn’t forget these victims. But I didn’t have enough material for a book. Instead, I decided to write a fictional story about a forgotten teenage victim, Rose Marie Garrett, in Murder in Madden. Following that pattern, I chose a real-life victim to be my muse for each subsequent novel.

Q: Is your protagonist, reporter Enid Blackwell, based on a real person? Does she share any of your characteristics?

RT: One of my earliest childhood heroes was Nellie Bly, one of the first female investigative journalists. From the time I read her biography, I wanted to be a journalist just like her. But like many young people, I was encouraged instead to pursue a more practical career. In many ways, Enid Blackwell is a contemporary version of Nellie Bly. As to whether Enid and I share characteristics, I get asked that question a lot. Many of my close friends and family see a lot of me in her. We both have red hair, and we’re both determined to accomplish what we set out to do—some would call that hardheaded. We both value friends and family. But she’s far braver than I, and unlike Enid, I like to cook.

Q: How did you decide to publish independently? What benefits does that offer? What difficulties does it present?

RT: I used to teach a class on self-publishing that was four hours long, but I’ll try to be brief here. When I began looking at publishing options for my first book around 2015, I interviewed both traditionally published and independently published authors—of which there were few at that time. Self-publishing was just emerging as a viable option and was still shaking off its vanity press reputation. The indie authors I talked with had all turned to SP when they were unable to get an agent and/or publisher. SP was not their choice but their fallback. After spending all my working life in large corporations and then owning my own consulting firm, managing my own publishing company was appealing. I knew how to set up and run a small business. And I made a vow to myself that if I made the decision to go indie, I would not try traditional publishing at all. I wanted to choose SP, not use it as a fallback. So I formed Pondhawk Press LLC. SP is a lot of work because you’re running a business. You make investments in cover design, editing, proofing, etc., with your own money, so you need to have cash to get started. DIY is not advised! I do a lot of in-person events, so my husband, who is also my business partner, manages our inventory, provides set-up assistance, helps scope out new venues, and much more. I couldn’t do it without the help of my team, which also includes my editor, proofreader, cover designer, and more. And of course, you have to promote your work constantly on social media and elsewhere. You have to have a marketing plan. It’s a lot of work, but very rewarding for me. I’ll conclude by saying that SP is definitely not for everyone, but for some of us it’s the only way to go.

Q: Which characters have you particularly enjoyed writing? Are they the characters readers identify with most?

RT: My protagonist, Enid Blackwell, has become a close friend. We talk all the time, and she helps me when I get stuck—usually in the dreaded “middle.” I sometimes ask her questions before I fall asleep at night, and she usually gives me an answer. Aside from Enid, there are many “favorite” characters in my books. In addition to Enid, my readers love Jack Johnson, the newspaper editor, and Josh Hart, Enid’s love interest. Some of my favorites include Sheriff Boogie Waters (Secrets Never Told) and Drake Harrow the police investigator and Cassandra the fortune teller, in my latest novel Murder Vision. Harrow, aka Big D, is part Jamaican and I enjoyed learning a bit of Patois, a form of Jamaican creole, for his character. My readers love the series’ characters and often comment on them. I’m fortunate to have both male and female loyal readers, and I’m always surprised and delighted when they tell me who their favorite characters are and what they like about them.

Q: Did you always know you would write a series?

RT: Heck no! I wrote Murder in Madden as a way to honor a real-life, forgotten victim. But I fell in love with my characters and knew they had more stories to tell. So I declared at my first book launch that I would have four books in the series—a number I just pulled out of the air. But after four books, I kept going. The seventh novel in the series, Murder Vision, was published in September 2024 and will be the last in that series—at least for a while. But I already miss talking with Enid.

Q: You also write short stories. What challenges do they present?

RT: I love the challenge of developing a character and telling a story in a few words. My sweet spot is around 2000 words, but I enjoy flash fiction also. Short stories are fun to write, and they keep me writing between novels. I love to write stories from image prompts. There’s a picture on the bulletin board in my office of a lone grave in the middle of a field in Lexington that I took not long ago. I can’t wait to write a story about it.

Q: How do you like organizing Noir at the Bar events? What do writers learn from reading their stories out loud?

RT: I absolutely love Noir at the Bar! I host these at a local bar several times a year and invite other authors to participate. Humans are storytellers by nature, and sharing stories with others is very primal for me. Writing for an audience, like at Noir events, is different than writing for print readers. For one thing, you have to use more dialogue tags because the audience can’t see where the characters change as they would on a page, so they can get confused if the writer isn’t clear on who’s speaking. I read all my novels and stories aloud during the editing process, and it’s a great way to spot areas that may be confusing. Also, writing for a live audience is not the place to be “literary.” Stories that might be appropriate for a literary magazine typically don’t play well to an audience because they are often abstract. Reading for a live audience works best when you stick to writing an entertaining story that has a clear beginning, middle, and end—like a story you’d tell around a campfire.

Q: What advice would you give to writers?

RT: Two things. The first is to keep writing. It’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. There are many reasons you can give yourself for not writing but only one reason to keep going: you must write because your heart compels it. The second piece of advice is to be clear to yourself about your writing goals. There’s nothing wrong with writing as a hobby with no inclination to get published. But if you do decide to publish, be clear about what you want from it—recognition or fame, money, self-satisfaction, or something else. And whatever your goal is, be certain you’re willing to invest your time, money, and other resources into achieving that goal. Self-publishing has made it somewhat easy to publish a book, but then many writers despair because their sales are low. And many traditionally published authors are having to do most of the promoting themselves because of budget cuts. Many writers I’ve talked with have admitted they have no marketing plan, run no ads, and have no goals other than to “sell more books.” Then I have to ask, “Why are you writing? What do you hope to achieve? And if that goal is important, what are you willing to do to make it happen?”

Q: How has your family influenced your writing?

RT: My own family has been very supportive, and my husband in particular is my rock. Without him, I couldn’t do what I do. My sister is always talking about and selling my books. While I’m fortunate to have a wonderful, loving family, I know that not everyone is as blessed. Relationships in general are complex. My books often explore the complexities within both blood and chosen families, which often include betrayal, heartache, and worse.

Q: What are you writing now?

RT: I recently started writing a new series set in Raven’s Rest, NC, a small, fictitious town in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I prefer to read and write about small towns rather than large cities because I love the interplay of everybody-knows-everybody and everybody-has-a-secret. I’m also working on what I think will be a stand-alone novella titled Burning Memories. I can write short and I can write long, so I want to challenge myself to write a mid-length 30K to 40K story. It will be a departure from murder mysteries—more in the style of Nicholas Sparks. Recently, I’ve been reading Stephen King’s novellas because he’s a master of the novella, as is Jo Nesbo.

For more information, visit Raegan or the Enid Blackwell Mystery Series on Amazon.

The Generosity of Writers

by Paula Gail Benson

Authors are amazingly kind in sharing their time and knowledge. When I asked Michael Bracken about collaborating on a virtual short story conference (Mystery in the Midlands: Writing the Short Story, sponsored by the Palmetto Chapter of Sisters in Crime and the Southeastern Chapter of Mystery Writers of America), he immediately helped to recruit a panel of “New Voices” (Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier, James Andrew Hearn, Stacy Woodson) whose stories already have garnered awards, and suggested Art Taylor to present a segment on craft. The program took place Saturday, October 19, 2024, with 154 registered. I’m delighted to say the presenters received rave reviews from those listening and calls for the recording from those who could not attend.

To say “thank you” to these fabulous authors for participating in the program, please let me briefly recognize them and provide links where you can find their work.

Michael Bracken is well-known as a writer of almost 1,300 short stories, a renowned editor, and an excellent speaker at conferences and other events. A complete list of his books and short stories is available on his website at He has been nominated for an Anthony, an Edgar, and a Shamus, and has received multiple awards for copywriting, three Derringer Awards for short fiction, and the Edward D. Hoch Memorial Golden Derringer Award for lifetime achievement in short mystery fiction. In 2024 he was inducted into the Texas Institute of Letters for his contributions to Texas literature.

He edited the Anthony Award-nominated The Eyes of Texas: Private Eyes from the Panhandle to the Piney Woods and his most recent anthologies include Scattered, Smothered, Covered & Chunked: Crime Fiction Inspired by Waffle House (co-edited with Stacy Woodson and released October 14, 2024) and Janie’s Got a Gun: Crime Fiction Inspired by the Music of Aerosmith (to be released November 8, 2024). He initiated an in-person short story conference, ShortCon, that took place in Alexandria, Virginia, in May 2024 and will occur again on June 7, 2025. For more information see:

Not only is Art Taylor a first-rate teacher and thoughtful friend, but he is an exceptional author, who has been called by Jon L. Breen in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine “One of the finest short-story writers to come to prominence in the twenty-first century.”

A complete list of his works may be found at Ashley-Ruth Bernier and I recommend On the Road with Del and Louise: A Novel in Stories (Henery Press, 2015): winner, Agatha Award, Best First Novel, 2015; finalist, Anthony Award, Best First Novel, 2016; finalist, Macavity Award, Best First Novel, 2016. When I began reading this collection, I questioned whether I would ever really like the flawed main characters. By the time I reached the last story, I put off reading it for a while because I didn’t want to finish my connection with them. I remember Margaret Maron praising the book and saying she intended to give up writing novels and concentrate on linked short stories. Art’s other collections include The Boy Detective & The Summer of ’74 and The Adventure of the Castle Thief and Other Expeditions and Indiscretions. The Anthony award winning anthology he edited is Murder Under the Oaks: Bouchercon Anthology 2015.

Somehow Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier finds time to write while working as a first-grade teacher as well as being a wife and a mother of four. On her website, she says: “My stories reflect my most treasured identity—that of a daughter of the Virgin Islands. My stories all feature St. Thomas in some way, and hopefully show the joy of a life spent in a dynamic community.” Her short story “Ripen” appears in The Best American Mystery and Suspense 2023. She has been a Derringer nominee and a Killer Nashville Claymore finalist. “Sweeten: A Naomi Sinclair Short Story” (a Christmas story) is published in Festive Mayhem 4: Thirteen Cozy and Cold Winter Holiday Mystery and Crime Fiction Stories (released October 1, 2024). Her website lists a complete list of her stories at

Drawing on his background with degrees English, mechanical engineering, and law, James A. Hearn writes mystery, crime, science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His story “Home Is the Hunter,” originally published in Mickey Finn: 21st Century Noir, Volume 3, also appeared in Best American Mystery and Suspense 2023. “Blindsided” (in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, September/October 2021), which he wrote with Michael Bracken, was a 2022 Edgar nominee for best short story. A complete list of his work is found at

In addition to her own writing and editing anthologies with Michael Bracken, Stacy Woodson has been a US Army veteran, an instructor at Outliers Writing University, and a member of the Screen Actors Guild, who has appeared in Amazon’s Jack Ryan and Wonder Woman 1984. She is a two-time Derringer Award-winning author and her debut story that appeared in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine’s Department of First Stories won the 2018 Readers Award (only the second time in the award’s history that a debut took first place). On her website (, a complete list of her stories is available as well as five stories coming soon including: “A Rose of a Rose” in Mickey Finn: 21st Century Noir Vol 5, Down and Out Books, 2024; and “Confessions of a Background Artist” in Hollywood Kills: Crime Fiction Inspired by Hollywood, Level Best Books.

Please help to thank all these extraordinary authors for their generosity.

Short Mystery Fiction: Events and Publications

by Paula Gail Benson

This past weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed Desert Sleuths’ WriteNow virtual conference. One panel had short mystery fiction experts Barb Goffman (whose short stories have been nominated for 43 awards, winning 3 Agathas, 2 Macavities, 1 Anthony, and 1 Silver Falchion, and who received this year’s Golden Derringer Lifetime Achievement Award from the Short Mystery Fiction Society), Michael Bracken (author of almost 1,300 stories and editor of 32 anthologies), John Connor (editor and publisher of Murderous Ink Press and Crimeucopia), and moderator Jay Hartman (a 30 year publishing veteran, who previously served as Editor-in-Chief for Untreed Reads and now operates Misti Media). They gave an excellent overview of the craft and business of writing short crime fiction.


Saul Golubcow’s The Cost of Living and Other Mysteries contains three novellas with protagonist Frank Wolf, a Holocaust survivor turned private detective in 1970s New York City. Frank’s grandson Joel has been his chief assistant. Saul’s first novel, Who Killed the Rabbi’s Wife?, which be released on November 1, 2024, provides a larger canvas for Frank and Joel to conduct their investigations as well as introducing Joel’s wife Aliya, who happens to be a life-long friend of the victim’s daughter. I’m grateful to have been one of Saul’s advance readers. I highly recommend all his work.


Janie’s Got a Gun: Crime Fiction is available for pre-order and will be released November 8, 2024. The anthology is inspired by the Music of Aerosmith, a rock and roll icon for fifty years that has announced it will no longer tour. This anthology is edited by Michael Bracken and features stories by the following sixteen crime fiction authors, Ed Ridgley, Bill Baber, Eve Fisher. Avram Lavinsky, John C. Bruening, Jeffrey Marks, Mary Dutta, Tom Mead, Steve Liskow, Joseph S. Walker, Adam Meyer, John M. Floyd, Leone Ciporin, M.E. Proctor, Tom Milani and Jim Winter. With all these extraordinary writers, this anthology is a must read.

Benefits of Contributing to an Anthology

by Paula Gail Benson

Robin Hillyer-Miles and I, two blogging partners here at The Stiletto Gang, also are members of the Lowcountry Romance Writers (LRWA), a chapter of Romance Writers of America based in Charleston, South Carolina. Since 2019, LRWA has organized and published two anthologies, titled Love in the Lowcountry: A Winter Holiday Collection and Love in the Lowcountry, Volume Two: A Winter Holiday Collection Book 2. Both are available through Amazon.

LRWA is now in the process of creating its third anthology, which again requires that stories take place in South Carolina. For this anthology, they also must involve a vacation. Contributors must participate in two rounds of beta reading, work with a professional editor, and develop and circulate promotional materials. Learning and using these skills is invaluable experience for both debut and seasoned authors. We continue to have a lot of fun putting these anthologies together.

Robin and I have both written several messages about how these anthologies benefited us as writers: from Robin, “Musings on a Tuesday” and “No Regrets,” and from me “Love in the Air,” “A New Anthology,” and “The Meet Cute.”

These anthologies also provide some virtual vacations and insightful information for readers who visit in person and/or virtually. Bookstores in Charleston, South Carolina, often have customers seeking fiction about the city. Most of our anthologies’ romances describe historical or cultural backgrounds in a very engaging format, meeting the bookstores’ customers’ requests. Robin Hillyer-Miles, a certified tourism professional, has assisted all the participating writers in confirming the accuracy of the details in their work.

In addition to giving authors a writing credit, contributing to the anthology allows the opportunity for learning new writing skills, trying out new genres, and developing different characters. Not all writers enjoy crafting short stories, but the attempts demonstrate how to be more economical with word usage and narrative. Except for hints at relationships, I had not written romances prior to my stories in the anthologies. They also represent my first efforts at exploring time travel, which allow me to involve modern day characters with historical figures and events, something I find fascinating.

One author in the first anthology used her story as part of a trilogy. She offered the prequel in her newsletter to entice readers to try her work. That gave me the idea to consider how two characters I developed for my story in the first anthology (the two rejected by the main love interests) might appear subsequently. (Note: it continues to be a challenge to find those two less desirable characters’ more likable qualities.)

In the second anthology, my story had three potential romantic couples, one that became predominant. Determining how to resolve the characters’ interacting plotlines became a fascinating puzzle that led me to contemplate writing a more expansive account, featuring each couple independently.

Even if you don’t ordinarily read or write short stories, try dipping into an anthology or two. They offer some great examples of craft and compiling material by theme, not to mention some excellent reading.