Land Of Fire and Ice by T.K. Thorne

Last month, I promised a report on my trip to Iceland. Did not expect that they would be waiting for an imminent volcanic eruption from an area we were just visiting!

As of this post, one area has sunk and the other risen, and a crack three feet deep appeared in the road in a small southern fishing town near where weeks ago we were splashing around in the Blue Lagoon’s blissfully steamy waters. The heat rises from the volcanic activity beneath it—we just didn’t know how active!

After thousands of earthquakes, some of which were going on (unfelt) while we were there, the town is evacuated for the most part and no one knows exactly what will happen, which is nerve racking and not just for the humans. Our very wonderful guide says her dog’s name, Kivka, means magma. Kivka is very nervous and confused at having his name spoken regularly from the TV!

Iceland is the land of Fire and Ice, although the ice is melting fast. One glacier has completely disappeared, and others have dwindling significantly in the lifetimes of current inhabitants. This is not good news for the planet or for Iceland.

Glaciers threaded with volcanic ash

The flow of water is important to the country’s production of power (20% hydropower) and of course, their water supply. And 60% of heat is produced by pipes (insulated with spun rock), carrying water heated by geothermal energy. Geothermal energy is abundant (see paragraph one). In fact, we ate bread in one area cooked underground.

Unique technology returns carbon dioxide produced by the power plant back into the earth where if eventually turns into stone.

Most of the homes are heated by water heated naturally under the earth. Swimming pools, as well. Where people in the US might go to a bar or the gym to relax after work, heated pools are the thing in Iceland. Along our travels, I visited a heated outdoor swimming pool with four additional smaller pools, three heated to different levels, and one ice pool. (I did all but the ice pool.) A surreal experience, as it was simultaneously snowing.

I knew the Vikings named Iceland and Greenland (the truly frigid island north of Iceland) to keep Iceland free of tourists or invaders, but I was startled by the beautiful colors and pastureland. Actually, my first startle was the alien landscape that greeted us on the way from the airport to the capital city, Reykjvik. (I still have to look up the spelling but can now spit out the pronunciation.)

The natural beauty of this land is stunning.


Iceland sits on the conjunction of two plates, the Eurasian and North American plates and on top of a “hot spot” called the Icelandic plume, a swelling of hot rock deep underground, possibly between the earth’s core and its mantle. Basically, the entire island is hardened black lava. In some places, only moss grows on the rock with an occasion mass of low blueberries (crimson in October) and a yellowing shrub flower I never figured out. In other places, enough moss has grown and died to create soil, although the lava itself is poor in nutrients (unlike in other parts of the world with volcanic activity). In those places grass grows, supporting the herds of sheep and small Icelandic horses (don’t dare call them “ponies”).

The Icelandic horse is a descendent of ponies brought from the early Norse settlers. They are a passion of the Icelandic people. Our guide owned a horse farm of forty! Tough, double thick haired to weather the winter, they are the only horse in Iceland. Imports are not allowed to protect them the horses from diseases, and once an Icelandic horse has left the country, they are not allowed back. All foals must have a “proper” Icelandic name and be approved by a naming council.

I had the wonderful experience of riding one (whose name also happened to be Kivka). They have five gaits, one of which, the tölt, is a four-beat gait like a Tennesse Walking Horse’s run walk.  You could indeed drink a fine whiskey at this gait without spilling a drop (unless you drank a lot of fine whiskey). Pictured below is myself on Kivka, wind blowing, hands freezing, and rain in my face, along with a gob-smacked smile that did not stop the entire two hours.

Video not uploading, so check it out on my FB Page:

Food was delicious and … interesting. The former included a lot of fish. The latter (the “interesting”) category included traditional hákarl, fermented shark meat. It’s poisonous until it rots for about four months, during which time it gives off a strong (and I mean strong) ammonia smell. Having read a fascinating novel about a neurodiverse man who carries on the family tradition of hunting and preparing hákarl (Kalmann by Joachim B. Schmit), I braved a taste and was grateful for the shot of local spirit afterward (also traditional). I can honestly say that was a once in a lifetime experiment.

There was other excitement, like being blown several feet in a winter storm, amazing waterfalls, a crazy jeep ride along a black lava beach, and ice glaciers swirled with volcanic dust. In the middle of everything came the horrors of October 7, 2023. We had been asked not to talk politics, but the Jewish among us clung together, trying to process what we were hearing. Being so far from home made it surreal or maybe it was the stunning details that trickled in. Now, from home, we watch the war unfolding, always hoping something better will come from this pain for so many, yet afraid it is but another cycle, like Iceland’s continuous dance with death from fire.

I meant for this to be an upbeat travel piece, but it would be less than honest not to include this, as I will always remember where I was on that date. I will also always remember the non-Jewish person who broke the “rules” to offer her pain for my pain and the pain of the Jewish people. She didn’t really know me, and reaching out was a risk. Her small act of humanity eased me in a way I can’t explain. I hope it will inspire someone to reach out, even when unsure what to say. It does make a difference.

T.K. Thorne writes about what moves her, following a flight path of curiosity, reflection, and imagination.

Making the most of a wonderful setting….

I was featured in an article a month or so ago in the Belfast Telegraph. I’m Belfast born, and the reporter asked me to talk about my books and why I had chosen to set them in Northern Ireland, a country beset by The Troubles. Was it because I had a history there and was familiar with the landscape, or did I want to feature those famous Troubles as a background for my books?

Yes and no.
I’m not the person to write in depth about The Troubles. I lived through part of them and that was enough for me. It soured my teenage years with fear and anger, restricted my life and saw a beautiful city bombed and shattered. It maimed and killed countless people. No, I did not want to feature that history in my books. I’ll leave that to the historians and perhaps people who can explain and justify violence for any reason. And that continues now, all over the world, does it not?
If you get a moment please have a look at my article, it can be found here…

At work…

I write police procedurals. I love to read them, love the careful examination of clues, that moment when the detective gets it, sees the vital piece of the puzzle, solves the crime. I like a bit of light relief too, not all gloom and doom. And I do enjoy a great setting, usually dark and desolate—a little gloomy. The perfect place for a crime. I know that place, the province of Ulster.

But they have crimes too. So, I chose to set my books there, in that great little country, with wonderful characters, funny and kind and fiercely intelligent. Did you know that at least seventeen American Presidents are descended from the North of Ireland? It’s on Wikipedia.
I have two books now in my Belfast Murder Series featuring Detective Sergeant Ryan McBride. While obviously they contain the themes of murder and violence, most of that is off the page. I also try to add depth of character and a fair dose of humor to my stories. And there’s that wonderful setting of course… rain and wind and grey skies.

Book One: A Nice Place to Die.

The body of a young woman is found by a river outside Belfast and Detective Sergeant Ryan McBride makes a heart-wrenching discovery at the scene, a discovery he chooses to hide even though it could cost him the investigation – and his career.
The victim was a loner but well liked. Why would someone want to harm her? And is her murder connected to a rapist who’s stalking the local pubs? As Ryan untangles a web of deception and lies, his suspects die one by one, leading him to a dangerous family secret and a murderer who will stop at nothing to keep it.
And still, he harbors his secret…


Book Two: Blood Relations

Belfast, Northern Ireland: early spring 2017. Retired Chief Inspector Patrick Mullan is found brutally murdered in his bed. Detective Sergeant Ryan McBride and his partner Detective Sergeant Billy Lamont are called to his desolate country home to investigate. In their inquiry, they discover a man whose career with the Police Service of Northern Ireland was overshadowed by violence and corruption. Is the killer someone from Mullan’s past, or his present?
And who hated the man enough to kill him twice?
Ryan and Billy once again face a complex investigation with wit and intelligence, all set in Belfast and the richly atmospheric countryside around it.



Glens of Antrim

Glens of Antrim


For more info, please visit my website.

This is my last post and I hope you enjoyed it.
And if you’re a writer, keep writing, if you’re a reader keep reading… life is short.

Love-Hate Relationship with English Grammar by Saralyn Richard

Love-Hate Relationship with English Grammar

by Saralyn Richard

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash



I taught high school English for many years in the days when students had to write ten mandatory papers per quarter, or forty papers per year. According to my estimates, I’ve graded over seven thousand papers, not counting major assignments, where I graded several drafts of the same paper. I graded papers day and night in every location you can imagine. With all that practice, I became a walking encyclopedia of grammar, able to recite every rule, chapter and verse.

Here are a few of the most common mistakes my students made:

  • Run-on sentences or comma splice
  • Pronoun disagreement
  • Mistakes in apostrophe usage, especially possessives
  • Lack of subject-verb agreement
  • Misplaced modifiers
  • Sentence fragments
  • Verb tense inconsistency
  • No clear antecedent for a pronoun


When my son was in ninth grade, his English teacher offered five points extra credit whenever a student could find a mistake in the “real world,” take a photo of it, get the person in charge to change it, and photograph the correction. You wouldn’t believe how many errors came to light. My son even had the local park district take down and redo a huge sign at the entrance to a nearby subdivision, costing taxpayers approximately nine hundred dollars.

Today we have online (AI-based) grammar tutors, and we are still plagued with grammar infractions everywhere we go, including in edited and published media. As a reader, I find mistakes distracting, but I no longer carry the weight of responsibility for marking each one in red ink and making sure the writer knows better for next time.

As a writer and editor, I’m not let off the hook so easily. While I recognize there is no such thing as a perfect piece of writing, I can’t let go of wanting anything with my name on it to be as clean as possible. For me, an error-free, clearly stated, well-ordered paragraph practically sings from the page.

How about you? Do you have a love-hate relationship with English grammar, too?


Saralyn Richard is an educator and the writer of six mystery novels and a children’s book. Connect with her at and subscribe to her monthly newsletter for interesting and fun content and opportunities.



Holiday Reflections in Advance

Holiday Reflections in Advance by Debra H. Goldstein

The holidays are about to overwhelm us. The TV will be taken over by warm and fuzzy advertisements. Catalogs of things I must have or give will fill my mailbox. At my local CVS, one staff member was moving Halloween candy to a sale rack and packing up the store’s pumpkin decorations while another was putting out Christmas Santas. I’m not ready for this!

Maybe I’m a grinch? I like peace and quiet. The reality is that I’m not going to find that for the next six weeks. First, there will be Thanksgiving – the entire family is dropping in this year. (I’m thinking of giving those who have little kids the house and moving to a hotel – I’ve done that in the past and really enjoyed it). Even though I’m sure there will be moments I want to retreat somewhere (that hotel sounds finer by the moment), I will enjoy seeing our kids, their cousins, and friends interacting. When they leave and I finish doing laundry, I’ll collapse.

But, not for long. There will be Chanukah and Christmas presents to buy, wrap, or send (think gifts cards might be appreciated this year?) for family, friends, and the people who are kind to me during the year. Once I clean up the mess from wrapping and make sure everything is delivered – and share a slightly quieter set of meals with family and friends, it will be time to see in 2024.

Those plans are already made. We see the year in with a group of friends we truly enjoy — especially since the women all agree that the new year is here when the ball drops in New York (we’re on central standard time, but why wait another hour?). Oh, the men, they think the evening is over when the football game ends.

What about you? Holiday Plans? Like them or want to flee?

The Joy of Seasonal Reading: Why It’s Never Too Early to Dive into Christmas Books

The other day while I was on Facebook, I saw a photo in a reader’s group of the member’s newest haul and they were all Christmas books. And with Hallmark and GAF airing Christmas movies since the middle of last month, it’s feeling a lot like Christmas. And there are a few compelling reasons why it’s never too early to embrace the joy of Christmas reading.


  1. Extended Holiday Magic: One of the most delightful aspects of seasonal reading is that it extends the holiday season. Instead of limiting the celebration to just a few weeks in December, starting your Christmas reading early allows you to savor the magic for a more extended period. From the heartwarming tales of love and hope to the adventures of characters navigating the holiday hustle and bustle, these stories bring the spirit of Christmas alive throughout the season.
  2. Anticipation and Excitement: There’s something special about the anticipation and excitement that builds up as you dive into Christmas books ahead of the actual holiday. You can begin your journey long before the tree is decorated and the carolers start singing, creating a sense of joy and excitement that lasts until Christmas day. The pages of these books serve as a delightful countdown, filling your heart with the same warmth and joy you experience during the holidays.
  3. Stress Reduction: The holiday season can be a hectic and stressful time for many. Reading Christmas books in advance can serve as a welcome escape from the chaos. These tales offer a tranquil refuge from the demands of holiday shopping, cooking, and preparations, allowing you to unwind and relax while getting lost in the enchanting world of fiction. The characters’ journeys and their triumphs over various challenges can inspire and motivate you during a time when you need it most.
  4. Tradition and Togetherness: Reading Christmas books together as a family or with friends can become a cherished tradition. Whether it’s snuggling up by the fire to read aloud, sharing book recommendations, or even participating in a book club, it’s an opportunity to bond over the love of storytelling and the holiday spirit. These shared moments create lasting memories and strengthen the sense of togetherness that defines the holiday season.
  5. A Plethora of Choices: The beauty of Christmas reading is the sheer variety of books available. From classic tales like Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to modern romances and mysteries set during the holidays, there’s a book for every taste. Whether you prefer heartwarming stories of redemption, thrilling mysteries, or humorous accounts of holiday mishaps, the extensive selection ensures you’ll find the perfect book to suit your mood.

There’s no wrong time to begin your Christmas reading. The magic and joy of the season can be experienced through the pages of a book, and the earlier you start, the more you can savor the spirit of the holidays. So, don’t hesitate to pick up a Christmas book and let its enchanting tales fill your heart with warmth and wonder, regardless of the date on the calendar. After all, the love of reading and the celebration of the season go hand in hand, creating an unforgettable experience that you’ll treasure for years to come.

Now, if you’re not ready to pick up a Christmas book just yet, maybe you’ll be interested in an autumn themed book with a reportedly haunted house, a deeply buried family secret, a and a couple of yummy recipes. Last month. A CORPSE AT THE WITCHING HOUR, the sixth book in the Food Blogger Mystery series was released. I had so much fun writing the story and testing the friendship between Hope and Drew and also throwing Hope a life curveball. So. Much. Fun. Oh, yeah, there’s the dead witch outside of the haunted house who may or may not have been following Hope for a couple days.



What are you reading now? Are you ready for holiday stories? Or are you a reader who doesn’t read by season?




Debra Sennefelder is the author of the Food Blogger Mystery series and the Resale Boutique Mystery series.

She lives and writes in Connecticut. When she’s not writing, she enjoys baking, exercising and taking long walks with her Shih-Tzu, Connie.

You can keep in touch with Debra through her website, on Facebook and Instagram.

CLICKING OUR HEELS – What We’re Reading and What We’d Recommend

Dru Ann Love – I’m reading UNDER THE COCOON MOON by Kathleen Bailey. It’s the third book in her Olivia Penn cozy mystery series. I like her work and writing.

Lynn McPherson/Sydney Leigh – I’m reading A FATAL GROOVE by Olivia Blacke. The Record Shop Mystery series is so much fun!

Kathryn Lane – THE AMERICAN PROMETHEUS, the Pulitzer Prize winning novel that the Oppenheimer film was based on. I highly recommend it!

Lois Winston – My Stiletto Gang post on September 27th was all about the books I checked off my TBR pile while dealing with my own bout of Covid. Since then, one book I’ve enjoyed is LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY by Bonnie Garmus.

Saralyn Richard – Recently, International Thriller Writers hosted a first line contest, and I entered the first line of my book, BAD BLOOD SISTERS. I was delighted when it won, and the prize was a critique of my next book’s opening pages by mystery writer, Clare Mackintosh. I loved her critique and read her latest, THE LAST PARTY, which was a fun read.

Bethany Maines – I’ve been on a rom-com bing lately and I can tell you a couple NOT to read.  When you pick books based on Facebook ads, I suppose there are bound to be a couple of duds.  I just started Debra Sennefelder’s MURDER WEARS A LITTLE BLACK DRESS and I’m loving it.

Linda Rodriguez – I’ve just finished reading Thea Harrison’s AMERICAN WITCH and am just starting Catriona McPherson’s THE MIRROR DANCE. I would recommend the first, and I’m sure I will recommend the second, because I love her books.

Debra H. Goldstein – I recently read and enjoyed Ann Patchett’s TOM LAKE and Bonnie Garmus’ LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY.

Joyce Woollcott – I’m reading an advanced copy of Lou Berney’s DARK RIDE. Fantastic. He is simply wonderful. I have just finished Charlie Donlea’s book, ‘THOSE EMPTY EYES.’ He’s a great mystery/suspense writer. And any of Kate Atkinson’s Jackson Brodie books. I reread them constantly.

Barbara J. Eikmeier – I’ve been on a roll with reading great books. DR. TAN’S CIRCLE OF WOMEN by Lisa See is excellent and stayed with me long after I finished it.  I also enjoyed HANG THE MOON by Jeannette Walls, I love her unapologetic style of writing. And, although they creep me out a bit, I recently flew through two of Lucy Foley’s books:  HUNTING PARTY which is set in Scotland and WEDDING GUESTS which is set on a remote Irish island. I can’t put Lucy Foley’s books down but I also can’t read them when I’m home alone!!

Mary Lee Ashford – I’m loving The Thursday Murder Club books and looking forward to the new release in that series. At the moment I’m reading VERA WONG’S UNSOLICITED ADVICE FOR MURDERERS by Jesse Q. Sutanto and really enjoying it.

T. K. Thorne – Just finished ALABAMA AFTERNOONS by Alabama journalist and novelist, Roy Hoffman. The book isa collection of interview-portraits of remarkable Alabamians, famous and obscure. I felt I had actually met these engaging people . . . and was much the better for it.

Paula G. Benson – I’ve been reading short story collections. In particular, I found EDGAR AND SHAMUS GO GOLDEN to be very interesting. It contains an Anthony nominated story by the author of the Lupe Solano mysteries, Carolina Garcia-Aguilera, as well as stories by Doug Allyn, O’Neil De Noux, John Floyd, Lia Matera, Art Taylor, and Martin Edwards.

Who are We?

Who are We?

Nothing was more tedious for me as a student than the requirement to memorize dates and events of the past. What’s so important about the past, anyway? As an avid reader of science fiction, I was much more interested in the future.

No one has been more surprised than I, here in the latter part of my life, that I have written two history books.

Events of the past, I have decided, are important, but they are the surface of history. Depth of understanding what happened comes with examining the people of the time, the decisions they made, the actions they took or didn’t take, and the situations/beliefs that formed them.

Events are sterile. We are hard wired to care about people.

The people of our past are stories that we can identify with and connect to even across time. We need to understand what made them who they were. Hearing their experiences, their wisdom, and even their mistakes teach us what is important and possible.

Women’s stories are particularly valuable because women seem to slide through the cracks of history. A circle of women in Birmingham’s 1960s braved their fears and the intense pressures of society to break through racial barriers and effect real change. They were not the power players in their world. It was (and to some extent, still is) a man’s world. Learning how they created leadership roles inspired me. Today, women are again being constrained. It is especially important that young girls, struggling to understand who they are and who they could be, hear these stories.

Both of my history books are about civil rights days in Birmingham, Alabama. Writing and researching them has changed me in profound ways I can’t articulate yet.

But it has become too clear that I am living days that will be studied by future historians. Already, many books have been written. But the historical events and the people influencing them are still in play. And we have no idea what will happen.

Too many people have not heeded the warning that ignoring history dooms us to repeat it. That we are repeating it seems very clear.

The past is echoing.



Right now.

Deciding who we are in this moment is difficult because things are (as usual) complicated.

But we will be called on to decide anyway. This moment is tenuous (or exploding if you live in Ukraine or the Middle East), but even here in the US, the place that is supposed to be safe and a refuge for all, we must decide who we are and who the terrorists are.

Our president recently said, “You can’t give up what makes you who you are. If you give that up, then the terrorists win. And we can never let them win.” –

So, who are you? Who are we?

Writing Workshops for Chicanx by Juliana Aragón Fatula

Dear Reader,

This month I’m zoom zoom zooming online with Palabras del Pueblo sponsored by Somos en Escrito and am enjoying the experience. It spans two weekends and one weeknight with a panel.

I’ve learned how to avoid signing up for every workshop I am emailed or Facebooked about. I’ve had some terrible Zoom writing workshops and some great ones. This workshop has been educational, and emotional, and it evoked something inside me, the desire to tell my story. There are so many stories inside me I hardly know where to start. At the beginning, stupid! So I’m beginning today. A new path that I’ve never been on before. A path to the truth.

This sounds so dramatic, but honestly, I’ve had a revelation. I need to get busy and write those stories dying to be told because I’m not getting younger. I turned sixty-six this year and lost another tooth, had to buy stronger reading glasses, and need a hearing aid desperately! What did you say? I hear words but not the right words.

I’m sitting in my Love Shack, my office on wheels, taking notes and listening to the icon, Luis J. Rodriguez. If you’ve never read one of his many novels, shame on you. You’re missing a wonderful opportunity to hear from a man who is a legend. I felt impressed after meeting him on Zoom. He’s real. A path to the truth. He encouraged me with just one sentence and I knew he meant what he said because he’s genuine.

He wrote a book that changed the lives of many Chicanos. Always Running. Check it out if you are brave and ready for the truth. He points out that he never graduated from college. He comes from the streets in East L.A. and he’s seen lives destroyed and lives saved.

There are a total of 15 participants in the workshop and they are fascinating. They tell their stories to total strangers and open up about the darkest and brightest times of their lives. It feels like group therapy but also like some vatos and vatas got together, had tea, and chatted and chilled. It felt easy.

The assignment for next weekend was not easy but we had the choice to do the work or read something we’ve written. One page.  After 15 participants read their work, their one page, we will have another writing prompt and we will not judge each other’s writing. This sounds cool to me. I’m not interested in everyone’s opinion of my writing but anxious for Luis J. Rodriguez’s feedback.

Tonight we have a Zoom scheduled to hear from publishers from Chicanx Presses. I’m looking forward to hearing from the panel on what they are looking for in their writers. I have a goal to be published by a Chicanx Press. I’ve published poems and essays in anthologies but never with a specific publisher who shares my heritage.

Wish me luck. I’m off to Zoom and will have more to report next month. Remember to be kind to one another.

Juliana Aragón Fatula, a 2022 Corn Mother, women who have earned accolades for community activism and creative endeavors is the author of Crazy Chicana in Catholic City, Red Canyon Falling on Churches, winner of the High Plains Book Award for Poetry 2016, and a chapbook: The Road I Ride Bleeds, and a member of Colorado Alliance of Latino Mentors and Authors, and Macondo, “a community of accomplished writers…whose bonds reflect the care and generosity of its membership.” She mentors for Bridging Borders, a Teen Leadership Program for girls. No justice no peace.



Stop! You’re Hurting My Eyes!

By Lois Winston

One day when my oldest son was two years old, I was singing to him in the car when he covered his ears with his hands and cried, “Stop singing, Mommy. You’re hurting my ears.”

It turns out he was born with perfect pitch, while I was saddled with two tin ears. Ever since I failed to make the cut when I auditioned for the elementary school talent show, I’ve known my singing leaves quite a lot to be desired. I’m no Taylor Swift or Beyonce. Never was and never will be. I wouldn’t even qualify as a backup singer for a third-rate tribute band. However, I never realized until that moment just how off-key I was.

Lately, I’ve felt the urge to rant at car manufacturers for hurting my eyes the way my singing had hurt my son’s ears. Have you noticed the garish colors of so many new cars? Some are the equivalent of chalk on a blackboard, shrieking and shrill, while others can only be described as homages to the scatological. What were they thinking? We’re living in a world that bombards us 24/7, causing us to yearn for anything soothing, whether it’s soft clothing, comfort foods, or escapist fiction.

The psychology of color is big business. Color experts get paid big bucks to determine which colors should be used in everything from clothing to home décor to appliances to automobiles. If you’re old enough to remember the sixties (or have a penchant for anything mid-century modern), you know that harvest gold and avocado green were the two colors that reigned supreme back then. Do you think it was a coincidence that your mother’s appliances matched your father’s station wagon? Those color choices were dictated by people deemed authorities in the field.

Has psychology done an about-face? If the screaming oranges, greens, and yellows aren’t bad enough, the other group is awful in another way. I really don’t want to drive around in a vehicle that reminds me of the last time I changed a diaper or hovered over the porcelain throne with stomach flu.

I wish some knowledgeable person would tell me what in the world were these so-called experts thinking. I’m flummoxed.

How about you? What do you think about the colors of automobiles you see on the roads lately? Post a comment for a chance to win a promo code for a free download of the audiobook version of Drop Dead Ornaments, the seventh Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery.



USA Today and Amazon bestselling and award-winning author Lois Winston writes mystery, romance, romantic suspense, chick lit, women’s fiction, children’s chapter books, and nonfiction under her own name and her Emma Carlyle pen name. Kirkus Reviews dubbed her critically acclaimed Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery series, “North Jersey’s more mature answer to Stephanie Plum.” In addition, Lois is a former literary agent and an award-winning craft and needlework designer who often draws much of her source material for both her characters and plots from her experiences in the crafts industry. Learn more about Lois and her books at her website where you can also sign up for her newsletter and follow her on various social media sites.

In Search of Moose, Part II by Rosalie Spielman


Please join me in welcoming Rosalie Spielman to the blog! Her wonderful publisher is
donating a portion of the proceeds of her newest book, MURDER COMES HOME, to the DAV.

Details below. — Shari

There’s a common joke with mystery writers about their computer search histories being arrest
worthy should we ever be suspects in real life crimes. Which leads me to reflect on mine.
“moose chin thing?”
“how heavy moose”
“picture moose by minivan”
“video moose losing antler”
“moose herds?”
“How long does leather last when buried”

Okay, well, other than that last one, as you can see, my search history is rather moose heavy.

If you’ve read my Hometown Mysteries, you get why. Magnus the Moose wanders around the
countryside in my stories, presenting himself at opportune times, walking through clotheslines
and &”wearing” a bright red bra on his antler, and in the most recent book, losing an antler.

Of course, I do research to make sure I”m not sharing misleading facts. But also…I like moose.
What can I say? They are weird-looking, but their size is what amazes me and leaves me in awe.

I wrote a blog post last year about my unrequited search for moose on my visits home to Idaho.

The moose is the one creature in the area that has eluded me so far. They are seen
fairly regularly around town, munching away in people’s gardens, in fields,
crossing roads, or creeping about in the trees like a quadrupedal sasquatch. I
even saw a video on Facebook of a moose and her calf moseying right down the
center of Troy’s Main Street.

My father offered to take me to town to look for one after there was a picture in
the paper of a bull moose walking down Moscow’s Main Street. I declined. I
mean, a city moose? Naw.

A month or two ago, there was an emergency text sent to students to give the
moose sighted on [the University of Idaho] campus a wide berth. There were
pictures of a moose peering into the windows of the bookstore and lounging on
the grass in the Arboretum. It seems to me the dang things are everywhere, except
when I’m around.

I go on to say how that about two days after our visit, a moose wandered by my folk’s place. On my next un-moosed visit, I hadn’t even gotten to the airport yet – which is only twenty minutes away – when a moose again made an appearance.

In order to soften the blow, my parents sent me a beautiful painting of a moose walking through a stream. I’ve also been gifted a mug, a stuffed moose, moose lip balm, a moose cookie cutter, moose stickers, and, courtesy my father…a moose poop necklace.

Yes, really, and no, I’m not going to show a photo. Moose droppings are actually pretty when they are fresh – they look exactly like unshelled pecans! But the treatment he had to do to the droppings to make them into a necklace ended up making the droppings look exactly like what popped into your head when I said “poop necklace.” And no, I haven’t worn it. (Sorry, Dad!)

I am headed to Idaho in November for the launch of my third Hometown Mysteries book, Murder Comes Home. I’m actually having my first launch party, right there in the real New Oslo! I think the odds of seeing a moose in the wild on this visit is a little higher than previous.

A month or so ago, they sent this photo of a moose near their home.


And a week or two ago, this one, on their game cam:

My mother also sent a video of her talking to a moose (who wasn’t amoosed) through the fence around their house. It was maybe fifteen or twenty feet from her. (She was on her doorstep and could easily go inside should he get ancy.)

I am hoping, fingers and toes crossed, that this dude will still be around when I am there, and I will finally be able to meet Magnus in the flesh. Or, rather, in the fur.

Wish me luck!

And Magnus, I’ll tell you once more – I am making you famous, so you had better make an appearance!

**Gemma Halliday Publishing is donating a portion of the presales to a veterans’ charity, the Disabled American Veterans, or DAV.

7 November 2023: #3 in the Hometown Mysteries, Murder Comes Home


US Army retiree Tessa Treslow and her Aunt Edna put their auto restoration business on hold to host an “American Pickers” style TV show, hoping their trash might be treasure to fun their new business. But not only do the pickers come with cameras and likeable stars, but also a murderer…

Rosalie Spielman is a mother, veteran, and retired military spouse. She was thrilled to discover that she could make other people laugh with her writing and finds joy in giving people a humorous escape from the real world. She writes for the multi-author Aloha Lagoon mystery series and her own Hometown Mystery series.

She currently lives in Maryland with her husband in a rapidly emptying nest. For more information on her books or to subscribe to her newsletter, go to www.rosalie-spielman-, follow her Facebook page (Rosalie Spielman author) or Instagram (Rosalie.Spielman). Rosalie strives to provide you a cozy escape…one page at a time.