Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
The Case of the Pink Tattered Coat
/in Donnell Ann Bell, humor, life, The Stiletto Gang/by Donnell Ann BellBy Donnell Ann Bell Look down. What are you wearing? Don’t worry; this isn’t going to be a pornographic blog. I’m just curious if you’re like me. I don’t stay in my pajamas when I start my day, but I do slip into my most comfortable “grungies.” It’s hot where I am and as I […]
/in How to Write/by DebraPens by Debra H. Goldstein There was a time that I wrote everything in longhand. Being left-handed, I had to be careful not to use a pen that allowed me to smear the ink with my pinky. In addition, because I have small hands (I can still wear a child’s sized glove or mitten), the […]
Clicking Our Heels – If We Could Be Any of Our Characters
/in Author Life, characters, Clicking Our Heels/by DebraIf We Could Be Any of Our Characters When you read a book, do you ever imagine what it would be like if you could be one of the characters, even for a day? We thought it would be interesting to see, if given the opportunity, which of our characters we would each switch with. […]
Nancy J. Parra and the Dog Days of Summer
/in Cozy Mysteries, Give Away, Guest, Mystery, Summer Reads/by Mary Lee Ashfordwith Sparkle Abbey Today we’re thrilled to welcome longtime friend and fellow author Nancy J. Parra aka Nancy Coco aka Nell Hampton to the blog. She’s a USA Today Bestselling Author and has over thrity-five published novels including five mystery series. And she’s also party to many of our conference adventures. Nancy take it away… […]
A Master Class in Comedy
/in amateur sleuth mysteries, Author Life, Cozy Mysteries, crafting cozies, humor, indie publishing, Lois Winston, Mystery Series, women sleuths/by Lois WinstonBy Lois Winston Someone recently asked me which author would I most want to take a master class from? Hmm…here’s the thing: I don’t get much out of long workshops. I find that an hour is my limit. Maybe I have too short an attention span, but I find that after an hour, my mind […]