Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
/in characters, Detective, History, Ideas, Mystery, Mystery Series, New Release, Novels, Series, Susan P. Baker, The Stiletto Gang, Uncategorized/by Susan P. BakerMy new novel, The Underground Murders, was released yesterday, July 1, 2024. Do you write (or read) political novels? Or novels that contain even a bit of a political message? Or novels that address societal concerns? Or novels that are pure entertainment? I chose the subject of my latest novel with the intent of speaking […]
Christmas in July: Bringing Holiday Cheer to Your Summer Reading
/in Uncategorized/by Debra SennefelderWelcome to the enchanting world of Christmas in July, a delightful time to infuse your summer with a sprinkle of holiday magic. For reader, this is the perfect season to blend the warmth of Christmas with the sun-drenched days of summer. This year I’m all in on Christmas in July and I think it has […]
Don’t Count On It!
/in Artificial Intelligence, Brooke Terpening/by Brooke TerpeningEnough about Artificial Intelligence already. I promised myself I wouldn’t write about AI again. Then a friend shared a recent experience. She planned to drive her granddaughter from Denver, Colorado to Buffalo, New York and wanted to take in some of the sights along the way. After learning about ChatGPT at the local library, she […]
We are Perplexing—by T.K. Thorne
/in T.K. Thorne, Thorne/by TK ThorneWe are perplexing beings. I just finished reading Maus, a graphic book by Art Spiegelman banned in Russia and Tennessee. The author’s words and drawings depict his attempt to capture his father’s memories of living through the Holocaust. The young man is conflicted, unable to stand being around his eccentric, obsessive father and overwhelmed by […]
With a Little Help from my Friends
/in amateur sleuth mysteries, Author Life, characters, Cozy Mysteries, crafting cozies, How to Write, Ideas, indie publishing, Inspiration, Lois Winston, Publishing, women sleuths/by Lois WinstonBy Lois Winston As authors, we spend much of our days in our writer caves. Sometimes, we rarely leave the house for days as we peck away at the keyboard, increasing our word count. Living life in a vacuum is hard, though. Sometimes we need to bounce ideas off someone, and let’s face it, kids […]