Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Echo words anyone?
/in Author Life, How to Write, humor, Mystery Series, Susan P. Baker, Writing and the Arts/by Susan P. BakerEcho words anyone? (And other hiccups) Every time I reach what I hope is the last version of my manuscript before I publish it, I read it aloud to find anything that I’ve missed that needs correction. The little devil on one shoulder says, “Don’t waste time reading it aloud. It’s fine. It’s a pretty […]
Now What?
/in Author Life, Writing and the Arts/by Brooke TerpeningHi everyone. My name is Brooke and I’m an unabashed pantster. Whew. I’ve finally come out of my panster closet and told the world. Actually, my process is more like that of a quilter. When I envision a scene, I jump in and write it. My characters take control of the story and go in […]
Short Story Provides Met Gala Theme
/in Uncategorized/by Paula Bensonby Paula Gail Benson This year’s Met Gala, the annual event held as a fund raiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute drew its theme, “The Garden of Time,” from the name of a short story by J.G. Ballard. Here’s a link, if you want to read the story: Read the 1962 Short […]
The Times They Are a’Changing
/in amateur sleuth mysteries, Author Life, Cozy Mysteries, crafting cozies, How to Write, indie publishing, Mystery, Publishing, Series, women sleuths/by Lois WinstonBy Lois Winston I don’t like change. I much prefer the security and comfort of habit. I’m not the kind of person who climbs a mountain just because it’s there. I need a reason to step out of my comfort zone, lace up my hiking boots, and ascend into the unknown. When I’m confronted with […]
Home, Sweet Home by Saralyn Richard
/in Uncategorized/by Saralyn RichardHome, Sweet Home by Saralyn Richard I live on an island, and there’s a saying around here that when you cross the causeway coming into the island, you leave all your troubles behind. The saying must be true, because everyone I know says they experience something truly spiritual whenever they drive into town. It happens […]