Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
The Good Parts
/in Uncategorized/by J.M. Phillippeby J.M. Phillippe I have a confession to make: when I read books, I tend to skip through large swaths of text. It started when I was a kid, reading fantasy novels. I adore fantasy novels. But without fail, every fantasy author I have ever read has spent a tremendous amount of time describing things. […]
Meet the Authors of the 2016 Agatha Best First Novel Nominees!
/in Uncategorized/by Paula BensonEach year at Malice Domestic, writing excellence is recognized by the Agatha awards. This year’s nominees for Best First Novel are (in alphabetical order by first name): Best First Novel: Terror in Taffeta by Marla Cooper (Minotaur) Murder in G Major by Alexia Gordon (Henery Press) The Semester of Our Discontent by Cynthia Kuhn (Henery […]
Not a Happy Camper
/in Uncategorized/by DebraNot a Happy Camper by Debra H. Goldstein Ripped off! Violated! Pissed. All emotions and thoughts going through my mind this morning when I picked up my Mah jongg change purse and discovered it was significantly lighter than when I put it in my car’s console Friday morning. It was only four dollars in quarters […]
Production for Use
/in Uncategorized/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines In the movie His Girl Friday (Cary Grant & Rosalind Russell), a light hearted screwball comedy that centers around a newspaper editor and his ex-wife/top reporter as they attempt to get the big story and he attempts to prevent her from marrying someone else. Under the froth, romance, laughs and lightning fast […]
/in Uncategorized/by ABPlumBy AB Plum “If you travel in space for three years and come back, four hundred years will have passed on Earth,” says Anna in Jodi Picoult’s wonderful novel, My Sister’s Keeper. This quote reflects some of my feelings over the past five weeks as my husband recuperates from brain surgery. Specifically, he had a […]