Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Celebrating the Short Story: the 2016 Agatha Short Story Nominees
/in Uncategorized/by Paula Bensonby Paula Gail Benson Malice Domestic has become a wonderful homecoming for me each year. Held in late April or early May near Washington, D.C. (for the last several years in Bethesda, Maryland), it celebrates the best in the “traditional mystery,” written in the style of Agatha Christie, where the emphasis is on resolving the […]
Revision and Television
/in Uncategorized/by DebraRevision and Television by Debra H. Goldstein Lately, I’ve been fast forwarding through a lot of television shows, avoiding the commercials. It makes it possible for me to quickly get to the gist of each program, but also makes me realize how much of normal program running time is taken up by ads. Perhaps the […]
Untitled Post
/in Uncategorized/by DebraClicking Our Heels – Astrology and the Stiletto Gang Although every member of The Stiletto Gang is a writer, that’s where a lot of our similarities end. This month we decided to investigate if astrology impacts our differences. We specifically addressed what our respective birthday months are and whether we reflect our astrological signs or […]
Reading vs. Writing
/in Uncategorized/by Bethany Mainesby Bethany Maines On Monday night fellow Stiletto author J.M. Phillippe (visiting from Brooklyn) and I attended the local open mic night from Creative Colloquy. The evening celebrated Creative Colloquy’s third anniversary and featured the Washington State poet laureate Dr. Tod Marshall. Creative Colloquy’s mission is to connect writers with their community and celebrate their […]
The Myth of the Lone Writer
/in Uncategorized/by J.M. Phillippeby J.M. Phillippe Anyone who tells you that writing is a solitary activity is telling tales. Even ignoring the number of published authors who are actually writing teams (such as The Stiletto Gang’s own Sparkle Abbey), and others who use ghost writers, no writer I have ever met has ever been published without a high […]