Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
New Year’s Resolutions – Can I Keep Them?
/in Uncategorized/by DebraNew Year’s Resolutions – Can I Keep Them? by Debra H. Goldstein 2016 has arrived! Anticipation of the new year has faded into pleasant memories of the ball dropping in Times Square, friends blowing noisemakers, popping champagne corks, and children peering around the stairwell to see grown-ups partying. For writers, this is the time when […]
Sparkle Abbey on Downton Abbey
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto Gangby Sparkle Abbey Downton Abbey’s final season launched this past week and so we couldn’t let this major event pass without a nod to this highly acclaimed British drama. You might remember we did a contest a while back with all the differences between Downton Abbey and Sparkle Abbey. And now, our latest book Downton […]
Facing the New Year
/in Uncategorized/by Kay KendallBy Kay Kendall Even though we are now six days into 2016, I still feel compelled to write something about entering a new year. On the other hand, maybe this is trite. To resolve the issue, I did a quick online search of topics to blog about…and here is the advice that jumped out at […]
So How is Your 2016 Going?
/in Uncategorized/by The Stiletto GangMine is starting fine. I’ve learned through the many years that I’ve been on earth that my attitude has a lot to do with how things are going. Of course, I have my frustrations. Hubby and I both are feeling our age which has made some things we used to enjoy doing now impossible like […]
How I read what I read by Dru Ann
/in Drus Book Musings/by Dru Ann LoveHAPPY NEW YEAR! There’s no rhyme or reason as to the book I pick up to read unless it’s a new debut series. Since I don’t have the added deadline of writing a review, I can take my time in reading and become involved in a book. My goal is to review at least 4 […]