Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
I found my bliss — in the bathtub
/in Uncategorized/by donalee MoultonThis is my second blog as part of the gang. I realize we’re still getting to know one another so I thought I would share a little something about one of my favorite activities. This piece originally appeared in The Globe & Mail. I’m a splish-splash person. I relish the warm envelope of water […]
Susan, An Extraordinary Story—by T.K. Thorne
/in T.K. Thorne, Thorne, Uncategorized/by TK ThorneSusan had never told her family about her experiences. In fact, before Louisa Weinrib called her in 1990 for an interview, she she had never talked about what happened to anyone other than those who had gone through it with her. Hers is a true story of amazing strength, resourcefulness, and friendship. Susan Eisenberg’s childhood […]
Valentine’s Noir
/in Author Life, Book events, Short Stories, Writing and the Arts/by Bethany MainesNoir? No Are? Nwar? What now? I occasionally participate in an author event called Noir at the Bar. Local writers bring crime and “noir” themed stories to scandalize listeners with tales of the seedy underbelly of society. Oh, and also to drink, socialize and terrorize ourselves by reading in public. This time around our date […]
Let the Good Times Roll!
/in Lunar New Year, Mardi Gras, Superbowl, Taylor Swift, Uncategorized/by Gay YellenEven after the extra day for leap year, February is the shortest month. But that doesn’t stop these 29 days from being chock-full of things to celebrate. Especially this week. Due to a quirk in the 2024 calendar, there’s a danger of overdosing on special occasions. I live in what’s often described as the most diverse […]
Fearless Creating: AKA Develop a Stubborn Streak
/in Donnell Ann Bell, How to Write, Lois Winston/by Donnell Ann BellBy Donnell Ann Bell It never fails. I can be talking to friend Lois Winston via phone, topics ranging from world events to some mundane ailment we’re experiencing. Then always. . . always before we hang up, the next 15 minutes segue into critique partner Lois Winston. This is the point in which we discuss […]