Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
Love-Hate Relationship with English Grammar by Saralyn Richard
/in Detective Parrott Mystery Series, Saralyn Richard, Uncategorized/by Saralyn RichardLove-Hate Relationship with English Grammar by Saralyn Richard Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash I taught high school English for many years in the days when students had to write ten mandatory papers per quarter, or forty papers per year. According to my estimates, I’ve graded over seven thousand papers, not counting major assignments, where I […]
/in Author Life, Donnell Ann Bell/by Donnell Ann BellHappy Monday! Because I’m traveling today, I thought I’d leave you with something that ideally will brighten your day. Note: My thought-stolen-purse saga happened some years ago, and yes, I’m still married to the guy. For the record, I didn’t even change the names to protect the innocent. By Donnell Ann Bell My day starts […]
Holiday Reflections in Advance
/in Uncategorized/by DebraHoliday Reflections in Advance by Debra H. Goldstein The holidays are about to overwhelm us. The TV will be taken over by warm and fuzzy advertisements. Catalogs of things I must have or give will fill my mailbox. At my local CVS, one staff member was moving Halloween candy to a sale rack and packing […]
In Defense of the Day Job
/in Author Life/by Bethany MainesA Day Job? Really? I know a lot of writer’s for whom the dream is to ditch the day job and become a Stay-At-Home-Writer. It would be lovely to be solely supporting myself on my writing. But that’s not financial reality for most writers and I would argue that it shouldn’t be. I think the […]
The Joy of Seasonal Reading: Why It’s Never Too Early to Dive into Christmas Books
/in Uncategorized/by Debra SennefelderThe other day while I was on Facebook, I saw a photo in a reader’s group of the member’s newest haul and they were all Christmas books. And with Hallmark and GAF airing Christmas movies since the middle of last month, it’s feeling a lot like Christmas. And there are a few compelling reasons why […]