Who are the Stiletto Gang?
The Stiletto Gang is a group blog full of traditional and indie published romance and mystery authors talking about writing, life, and how hard it is to find a new way to kill someone. Each day of the week features a new author. We keep our monthly blogging schedule posted in the sidebar. and we invite you to follow us on Facebook and/or sign up for daily blog alerts.
/in Families, The Stiletto Gang, Uncategorized/by Linda Rodriguez¡AY, QUÉ LÀSTIMA! by Linda Rodriguez The men—husbands, father-in-law, cousins—sat in the living room on the flower-covered couch and armchairs or sprawled on the shag carpet in front of the televised football game, beer cans in all hands. The only differences from the majority of living rooms across America were the brand of beer (Dos […]
Bouchercon 2023
/in Convention, Drus Book Musings/by Dru Ann Loveby Dru Ann Love This week I’ll be in San Diego attending Bouchercon. It is a special occasion as I am Fan Guest of Honor. I was already Fan Guest of Honor at Malice in 2022 and Left Coast Crime earlier this year. All three events were packed with obligation as being Fan Guest of […]
The Lights in Our Eyes
/in T.K. Thorne/by TK ThorneOne of my cherished and vivid memories is a sweltering summer night in my hometown of Montgomery, Alabama. Although I was too young for a driver’s license, my father—never one to let little rules stop him—was teaching me to drive. Out of the darkness ahead, a bright headlight beamed directly into my eyes, blinding me. […]
Juliana Chacha de Cochiti, New Mexico de la cruz Aragón Fatula
/in Uncategorized/by Juliana Aragon FatulaDear Reader, Fall 2023 has neared and it’s time to prepare for harvest. This year I made the choice not to have a vegetable garden. Climate Change has changed how we grow our gardens and try to conserve water during the scorching heat of summer. My flowers are protected by an electric fence because deer […]
RIP, Mac
/in audiobooks, Author Life, Cozy Mysteries, Give Away, life, Lois Winston, Mystery, The Stiletto Gang/by Lois WinstonBy Lois Winston Sometimes, there are no warning signs, no odd symptoms that crop up which would make us suspect something is not quite right. Such was not the case with Mac. Nothing made me question his health, nothing that would lead me to seek out the services of an expert. One moment, he was […]